Free, online, continuing education events for March 4-8 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MST
Monday, Mar 4 (11 am-12 pm)
Simplify Fundraising Now: Set Up a Segmented Spring Appeal (Network for Good)
Tune into this special webinar to hear from a leading Personal Fundraising Coach on the best practices every nonprofit should follow when planning and executing a spring appeal. As a special bonus, all attendees will get a workbook for setting up their own donor segmentation.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (7:30-8:30 am)
Convert Supporters with Powerful Landing Pages (Firespring)
Tuesday, Mar 5 (9-10 am)
Seed Libraries: Supporting our Communities & Building Partnerships Through Gardening (Indiana State Library)
Tuesday, Mar 5 (10-11 am)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People — A Refresher (Utah State Library)
In this interactive and informative program, Andrew Sanderbeck will revisit some of the important principles from the book and share techniques for applying them. Whether you are new to Dr. Covey’s work or are a seasoned user of his habits, join us for a program that will help you to learn more about the habits that have led millions of people to life changing results.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (10-11 am)
Women in Leadership: What the Science Says & How to Move Forward in the Era of #MeToo (Washington State Library)
Women in the United States have more freedom than ever before to pursue career goals. So why do they remain underrepresented at the top of the workforce, even in libraries, where there are so many women? Dive into the social science of gender perception and learn what the research reveals. Among the questions addressed: What is “imposter syndrome?” What characteristics do most Americans believe make a leader, and why is having those qualities not enough? How do we move toward a more equitable (and successful) future? This presentation is about women, and open to people of all genders. Presented by Alexa Andres, Whatcom County Library System.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (12-1 pm)
Single Days of Service: Make ’em Work! (VolunteerMatch)
More and more volunteers are looking to get involved and make a difference in a single day of service. The political and social climate is further emphasizing this trend. How do you create meaningful work that can be completed in a single day by a large group of diverse volunteers? This webinar will walk you through the first steps for incorporating single days of service into your program, and help you begin to think more creatively about volunteer engagement.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (12-1 pm)
How to Create a Sane Life in an Insane World (Insync Training)
Join emotional intelligence expert Monique DeMonaco as she explores how to live a sane life in an insane world. This session will showcase a variety of techniques to help you let go of what’s stopping you and allow you to gain rapid tangible results through proven tools, techniques, and strategies.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (1-2 pm)
Supercharge Your Storytime Assessment: Using Data to Tell Your Story (WebJunction)
In this webinar, you’ll hear from practitioners who have overcome their hesitancy around storytime assessment and have discovered the power of data to tell their library story. Get answers to how the Project Outcome early learning assessment tools can make data collection and reporting easy. With feedback from your storytime families, you can improve your services and gather stories that give life to the impact you and your library are having.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (1-2 pm)
Adulting 101: Life Skills Classes for Tweens, Teens and Adults (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Join us as we hear from Jane Dance of the Round Rock Public Library and Aleya Stone of the Tyler Public Library. Jane will discuss her Adulting 101 for Teens series, and Alelya will explore her recent Adulting 101 venture meant to establish a partnership with youth and adult services. Along the way we will discuss the life skills that new adults need, ways to network in order to find speakers, and best practices in presenting the content.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (1-2 pm)
The New Three Rs: Trauma-Invested Strategies for Fostering Resilient Learners (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development [ACSD])
Childhood trauma is real; it is prevalent; and it affects students, their learning, and the adults in their lives quite significantly. In this engaging and practical webinar, learn from Kristin Souers and Pete Hall, coauthors of Relationship, Responsibility, and Regulation: Trauma-Invested Strategies for Fostering Resilient Learners, about the importance of trauma-invested practices in the school setting.
Tuesday, Mar 5 (5-6 pm)
Engage & Inspire: Tools for Your Maker Box (OK2Ask)
Want to include budget-friendly makerspace activities in your class? Then this session is for you.
Wednesday, Mar 6 (9-10 am)
Improving Internet Access In US Libraries: the ‘Toward Gigabit Libraries’ Project (Nebraska Library Commission)
While much worthy attention has been paid to improving “last mile” connectivity for rural and tribal libraries, it’s the last 100 meters (the network inside the building) that is often overlooked and in need of improvement. The IMLS-funded Toward Gigabit Libraries project aims to address that problem through a self-service toolkit suitable for even the most novice of library workers. In straightforward, easy-to-understand language, the toolkit is designed to take lay people through technical concepts and tasks to create a Broadband Improvement Plan for each library. The plan is designed to help the library where it’s needed most – including improvements to hardware, software and configuration, suggestions for training and education, resources to advocate for better connectivity, and more.
Wednesday, Mar 6 (12-1 pm)
New Nonfiction for Spring (School Library Journal)
Who doesn’t love new and engaging nonfiction? From a delightful tale of a budding ballerina to STEM projects for Minecraft lovers — and everything in between — these fun and informational series and titles are sure to inspire your curious students and young patrons. Join publishing insiders for an array of nonficiton to deck out your shelves this spring!
Wednesday, Mar 6 (12-1 pm)
Public Libraries: An Information Webinar for New Librarians (American Library Association)
Join us at the New Members Round Table for a short (less than an hour) webinar about careers in public librarianship. Your hosts, Sara Dallas and Karen Pundsack will cover: Types of jobs in in different public library settings – rural, urban, suburban – large and smaller staffs; Avoiding some interview, cover letter mistakes; Preparation for the interview, among other areas. There will be time for questions at the end. Please join us to learn about exciting careers in public librarianship!
Wednesday, Mar 6 (12-1:30 pm)
What Does Customer Service Have to Do with Early Childhood Programs? A Paradigm Shift (Early Childhood Investigations)
This dynamic webinar may change your thinking about how you and your staff interact with parents and handle prospective families. Leatha Ritchie, Child Care business expert will cover the importance of customer service skills in early childhood programs, and provide examples about how to best use “customer service thinking” to impact retention and parent satisfaction.
Wednesday, Mar 6 (3:30-4:30 pm)
Surveys, Questionnaires, Focus Groups: a Short Course (Montana State Library)
This is the first in a 4 part course – please sign up for the complete course and plan to attend each week at the scheduled time. Seating in this course is limited. If you prefer to view the recordings, contact for a link.
Wednesday, Mar 6 (5-6 pm)
Using Makerspaces to Build Teacher/Librarian Collaboration (AASL)
This session will demonstrate to participants how use of 3D printing can help teachers augment their lessons, develop higher order thinking and research, and give students exposure to 21st century technology. School librarian Harry Ostlund and social studies specialist Ryan Fontanella will share how their campus/district worked to create “archival boxes” – boxes of premade lessons incorporating various elements of the library’s digital and print resources available for checkout by teachers for use in the classroom.
Thursday, Mar 7 (12-1 pm)
Nonprofit Succession Planning: Leading By Sharing Power (Bloomerang)
Andy Robinson will help you understand the value of succession planning to nonprofits (and the risks of poor or non-existent transition plans).
Thursday, Mar 7 (1-2 pm)
Early Childhood Expertise Beyond Libraryland: Early Childhood Development (Assoc. For Library Services To Children)
The way children learn and develop affects everything we do in the library. From collection development to program planning, it is vital that we understand how our children learn and grow in order to provide the best possible programs and services for them. Attendees will learn about the different stages and phases of early childhood development from an expert and then explore ways to put that knowledge into practice.
Friday, Mar 8 (12-1 pm)
Spring Picture Books (Booklist)
Is there anything more enticing than picture books to foster a child’s love of reading? In this free one-hour webinar, you’ll discover new titles from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Lee & Low, and North South that get children excited about reading. You’ll learn about trends we are seeing in we are seeing picture books today. Moderated by Books for Youth Editor Sarah Hunter.
Friday, Mar 8 (12:30-1:30 pm)
Next Level Income Strategies for Your Nonprofit (Nonprofit Hub)
Wondering how to take your nonprofit to the next level? What does that look like? Using innovative fundraising research, we will look at the current state of fundraising, what is causing a giving downturn, and what we can do about it. We will cover different programs and how they are innovating in earned income, partnerships and marketing, and we’ll even go over how to start your own unique partnerships and earned income streams.