Free Continuing Education Events for May 1-5

May 1, 2019

Free, online, continuing education events for May 1-5 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

All times MDT

Wednesday, May 1 (10-11 am)
Work Hard, Play Harder: An Insider’s Guide to Not So Passive Programs (Association for Library Service to Children)
Passive programs can be a librarian’s dream or nightmare- less work during the program, but limited interaction with customers. A successful program can also prove difficult to track participation. Join a panel of experienced youth services librarians as they tackle the definition of a passive program, how to track participation and share fun examples of ways to engage staff, customers, and children.

Wednesday, May 1 (10-11 am)
Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian presents… An Introduction to Researching Canadian Federal Documents (North Carolina Library Association)
From the use of the metric system to the spelling of catalogue with a “u”, Canada can seem like a foreign country sometimes… That’s because it is! This session will explore the unique structures and institutions of the federal Canadian government as well as the publishing practices and key tools necessary for researching the documentary output of the parliament and government of your neighbour to the North.

Wednesday, May 1 (12-1:30 pm)
Kind, Empathetic Classrooms that Build Bridges & Create Community in a Diverse World (Early Childhood Investigations)
Kindness and empathy are two of the most important social skills we can teach children that can build meaningful connections in a diverse world. We want to help develop compassionate people who can bridge divides. This webinar will explore ways we can create experiences, use children’s social emotional competence and self-regulations skills, and share information that support children to be kind and empathetic towards each other and in the world.

Wednesday, May 1 (1-2 pm)
Jumpstarting Your Calendar Year-End Fundraising (Donor Search)
The hazy days of summer are on the horizon and there is no time like the present to get yourself situated for a successful above goal year-end. In this webinar, I “take you by the hand” and lead you through a framework that I developed that will help you to plan your fundraising today before the summer even gets into full gear.

Wednesday, May 1 (1-2 pm)
NASA’s Universe of Learning (Girls STEAM Ahead)
Join us to learn how you can use this great tool in your venues and engage the public in exploring the universe. NASA’s Universe of Learning provides resources and experiences that enable youth, families, and lifelong learners to explore fundamental questions in science, experience how science is done, and discover the universe for themselves. Using its direct connection to the science and the experts behind the science, NASA’s Universe of Learning creates and delivers timely and authentic resources and experiences for youth, families, and lifelong learners. The goal is to strengthen science learning and literacy, and to enable inquisitive learners to discover the universe for themselves in innovative, interactive ways that meet today’s 21st century needs.

Thursday, May 2 (8:30-9:30 am)
It’s a New World: How to Cultivate Your Online Community (Firespring)
One of the biggest challenges facing organizations is changing the culture of giving and engagement, and our futures depend on it. Often we get so caught up in ‘the ask’ that we forget what motivates people to support us in the first place: relationships. Join Angie Kubicek, chief marketing officer at Firespring, to discover the secret sauce of cultivating a community primed and ready to support you.

Thursday, May 2 (11-12 pm)
Family Literacy 101: From Flyers to Food (Infopeople)
In this webinar, Deborah Bernal, Pat Jarvis and Amy Prevedel will show you examples of family literacy programs that have been big hits with families in their literacy programs at the South San Francisco and Fresno County libraries. In adult education, there’s no such thing as stealing – it’s called sharing! And you are welcome to turn around and use the publicity, materials and activities they present in your own program, modifying them to best suit the families you serve.

Thursday, May 2 (12-1 pm)
The Assertive Ask (Bloomerang)
You have a potential donor wants to learn more about your organization. How do you prepare for the meeting? You may be wondering what to say and how to say it. Don’t panic! If you have ever reached this point and struggled with your confidence to make the ASK, this webinar will prepare you for the next BIG meeting.

Thursday, May 2 (12-1 pm)
Improving the Quality of Youth Programs (Public Library Association)
Houston Public Library will address how the library’s first-year participation in the Youth Program Quality Intervention Program has shown distinct improvements in the program using assessments. The Weikart Center will provide an overview of the quality practices measured by the Youth PQA and how the assessment supports making meaningful program changes through participation in a continuous quality improvement process known as the Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI).

Thursday, May 2 (1-2 pm)
The Burnout Cure: Learning to Love Teaching Again (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
In this webinar, Chase Mielke, author of the new book The Burnout Cure: Learning to Love Teaching Again, will highlight research-based, teacher-tested methods that helped him fight through burnout and learn to love teaching again. You will explore practical strategies for increasing your own well-being (or that of educators you work with), reducing burnout, and improving learning in the classroom.

Thursday, May 2 (2-3 pm)
Mars in May (STAR Net)
With summer right around the corner, this webinar will showcase several hands-on STEM activities about Earth’s red neighbor. Join the STAR Net team to discuss programming ideas, NASA resources, and, of course, fun, hands-on STEM activities that will surely be a crowd-pleaser at your library. We’ll also check in on the progress of NASA’s InSight mission, which was launched in May 2018.

Friday, May 3 (12-1 pm)
People – Difficult or Different? (Effectiveness Institute)
Why are some clients or co-workers so frustrating to work with? Or more importantly, why would anyone think of YOU as a difficult person? For example, isn’t it irritating when the person across the desk or on the phone can’t seem to ever make a decision… or makes a snap decision only to change it a day later? In this interactive and engaging Webinar, you will discover why “different” does not have to mean “difficult.” Then you will learn the magic of making slight adjustments in your awareness and behavior that will have a significant impact on your ability to “click” with customers and co-workers.

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