Free Continuing Education Events for May 29-31

May 28, 2023

Free, online, continuing education events for May 29-31 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events on our Training Calendar.

calendar listings

All times MDT

Tuesday, May 30 (1-2 pm)
Storytelling for Impact (Firespring)
Join Firespring’s Kiersten Hill as she goes through tips, techniques and tools to help the modern marketer tell better and more impactful stories to activate their audiences around ideas and actions.

Wednesday, May 31 (8-9 am)
Digital Inclusion 101 (Indiana State Library)
An introduction to understanding the world of digital inclusion. We will be covering general terms, definitions, and how to grow with digital transformation.

Wednesday, May 31 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: Pretty Sweet Tech: Bots for the Community!  (Nebraska Library Commission)
Hear how a FarmBot had an impact on the community and how the library launched videos to teach people how the bot works (in-person programs were not open yet at the library). Lou shares the excitement of harvesting the very first carrot from the FarmBot!

Wednesday, May 31 (11-12 pm)
How to Get Your Board to Fundraise (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a workshop focused on equipping and motivating your board members to be great fundraisers. You’ll learn how to help them get over their fear of fundraising and develop the fundraising habit. Accountability and follow through will also be discussed. The session includes tools and samples that you can use to start building a fundraising culture within your board.

Wednesday, May 31 (1-2 pm)
Preparing for Program Challenges at your Public Library (American Library Association)
Two public library directors will share their personal experiences with intellectual freedom challenges of programs. Learn best practices and strategies for supporting staff, board, and community members through program challenges. Resources to assist in responding to challenges and crafting appropriate policies, procedures, and training will be provided.

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