Free, online, continuing education events for the week of August 22 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Monday, Aug 22 (10-11 am)
Content Calendars: Managing Your Message and Media (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
A Content Calendar (a.k.a. Editorial Calendar) is a written plan for how your nonprofit will use various channels (email, publications, social media, earned media, etc.) to achieve your communications goals. This workshop will look at the basics of content planning as well as some of the tools and tactics your organization can use to take control of your communications strategy. A well-developed plan will ensure that you have covered important brand and organizational messages as it provides time and space for new and spontaneous initiatives. Your content plan could also lead to more collaboration across the organization and help you track and evaluate the efficacy of your entire communications program.
Tuesday, Aug 23 (10-11 am)
How to Navigate and Thrive Through Uncertainty (Harvard Business Review)
For many of us, uncertainty can be nerve-racking. That reaction, however, obscures a crucial fact: uncertainty and possibility are two sides of the same coin. Chances are that some of your biggest achievements and transformational moments came after a period of uncertainty—one that felt stressful but that pushed you to accomplish something great. Uncertainty doesn’t have to be paralyzing. In this live, interactive HBR webinar, Nathan and Susannah Furr will share insights from their research on innovators and changemakers who have thrived amid uncertainty.
Tuesday, Aug 23 (12-12:20 pm)
Quick Bites: Growing Readers with a Growth Mindset (Colorado State Library)
When we have a growth mindset, we believe that intelligence and skill is tied to hard work rather than talent. Our mindset has lifelong impacts on how we learn and face challenges, from the challenge of learning to read to adapting to a changing work environment. The way adults talk to children about ability and failure influences their mindset, and even as adults our mindset can shift and change. This session will review growth mindset research and introduce strategies to grow a growth mindset.
Tuesday, Aug 23 (12-1 pm)
Critical Conversations: Learn How To Connect (GovLoop)
Have you ever had a tough message to deliver but just didn’t know how to say it? Or, what you said clearly wasn’t what they heard? Making it a meaningful connection – especially when having a critical conversation – takes a lot of work. Join us online to hear from a government expert about the do’s and don’ts of critical conversations.
Tuesday, Aug 23 (12-1:30 pm)
PBC Living Library Project (Network of the National Library of Medicine)
The PBC Living Library, modeled after The Human Library, seeks to raise awareness to medical harm through oral storytelling practices. Unlike The Human Library model, The PBC Living Library is an anti-neutral space where individuals who experience health and healthcare disparities volunteer to be “Living Books”. In this 90-minute webinar, participants will learn how the PBC Living Library was originally envisioned, how it was put into practice, and how it has changed over time. Participants will also learn how they can develop their own programs and strategies for success, including: marketing outreach, curriculum development, and quality assessment.
Tuesday, Aug 23 (1-2 pm)
How to Add Critical Thinking to your Learning Designs (Training Magazine Network)
Experts and futurists are unanimous that the NEW important skill for all workers is critical thinking. Why is that? The reality is that we are in a global economy where change is rapid, the unpredictability of events abound, there is the shrinking of the new workforce, and of course, digitalization. Many of the roles demand beyond the usual tasks and roles. They need to be self-directed and constantly critically thinking about how to solve and manage the unknowns and unpredictability of work.
Tuesday, Aug 23 (3-4 pm)
Social and Emotional Learning Starts with Us: Strategies to Empower (Follett)
We can’t teach what we don’t know. Teachers, administrators, and support staff are most effective when they understand and develop their personal social and emotional capacities. Because the school setting includes many contexts – classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, playground, bus – fostering a healthy school climate and culture requires active engagement from all adults. Our presenters will share their expertise and practical strategies to help teachers and administrators build SEL competency.
Wednesday, Aug 24 (8-9 am)
Game Jams for Libraries: What are they? Why should I host one? (Indiana State Library/ALA GGRT)
Game Jams are events in which participants, on their own or in groups, design a game within a set timescale. The most popular jams can have tens of thousands of participants at hundreds of sites globally. This webinar will show how game jams can be used in libraries, how they can be connected to your existing programming, and how you can encourage participants who have never made a game before to join in using easy game making tools that require no coding skills. The webinar draws from the experience of running gams jams connected to the British Library digital collections, and will introduce some options for creating digital games in your library and show you how you can join this year’s IGM Games Jam.
Wednesday, Aug 24 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: Team Up with Your Community! (Nebraska Library Commission)
We all know teamwork makes the dream work, but obstacles big and small can keep us from doing as much collaborative work as we’d like. Based on results of the IMLS-funded HEAL (Healthy Eating and Active Living) at the Library via Co-Developed Programming, you’ll learn some of the amazing ways rural librarians are already teaming up with everyone from regional hospitals to passionate individuals to make their communities healthier, more inclusive places. This highly interactive session will include community conversations about your experiences teaming up with others – with the ultimate goal of creating a publicly accessible, real world toolkit to help rural librarians do more by leveraging the power of partnerships.
Wednesday, Aug 24 (12-1 pm)
Caring for the Mind: Providing Mental Health Information at Your Library (Network of the National Library of Medicine)
Participants will learn about the best electronic resources to consult, as well as ways to improve their print collections. Best approaches for handling interactions with emotional patrons will also be discussed. This class will increase participants’ skills for providing mental health information for care providers and the public. NLM resources covered in this class include MedlinePlus, Drug Information Portal, as well as other NIH and freely available authoritative resources.
Wednesday, Aug 24 (12-1 pm)
From Diversity To Inclusion: How To Audit Your Collection And Why (Niche Academy)
Join Kymberlee Powe to learn how to perform a diversity audit on your library collection. Kym will share what a diversity audit is, why we should audit our collections, why the structure of the publishing industry may make it difficult to cultivate inclusivity, and most importantly, why it’s important to build collections that are diverse AND inclusive.
Wednesday, Aug 24 (12-1 pm)
Introduction to the American Community Survey (US Census Bureau)
Discover the detailed social, economic, housing, and demographic statistics that the American Community Survey Office (ACS) provides for every community every year. You will learn about basics of the yearly estimates and datasets produced from the ACS, resources available on our website, and how to access ACS data products through a variety of tools.
Wednesday, Aug 24 (12-1:30 pm)
Incorporating Gender Equity into Your Nonprofit (Candid Learning)
In this training, we will help you identify if gender disparity exists in your nonprofit and cover how to incorporate gender equity into the fabric of your organization.
Wednesday, Aug 24 (1-2 pm)
5 Authentic Literacy Strategies to Promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (edWeb)
To support all children in becoming proficient readers, it is imperative that the classroom environment and literacy instruction is inclusive, diverse, and equitable so that all students and families feel like they belong. This interactive and engaging edWebinar is designed to equip PreK-3 teachers with the knowledge and practical strategies to create an equitable literacy environment and an inclusive teaching and learning practice that aligns with the Science of Reading.
Thursday, Aug 25 (11-12 pm)
Collaborative Grantmaking – Part I: The Role of Empathy and Experimentation (Blackbaud)
In this live, online event, Heather will share how, with simple and new questions you can ask, you can deeply understand what problems you solve for your collaborative partners, and how to identify and test assumptions that are embedded within your collaborative partnerships. Once you construct a strong foundation for mutual value creation, you can drive ongoing value and reach your ultimate goals more efficiently and effectively.
Thursday, Aug 25 (12-1 pm) (Law Library of Congress)
This orientation is designed to give a basic overview of While the focus of the session will be searching legislation and the congressional member information attached to the legislation, the new features of will be highlighted.
Thursday, Aug 25 (12-1 pm)
Data for Congressional and State Legislative Districts (US Census Bureau)
Learn more about your congressional district and your state legislative districts (upper and lower chambers). In this webinar, we will demonstrate how you can easily access data tables and create thematic maps using demographic, social, economic, and housing data for your districts of interest by using two data tools: “My Congressional District” and “” No special skills required.
Thursday, Aug 25 (12-1 pm)
Riveting and Page-Turning YA (Booklist)
Strong heroines, heart-stopping action, thrilling twists—it’s all here in our free, one-hour webinar on Thursday, August 25 at 2 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. CT. Join Booklist’s Books for Youth editor Sarah Hunter as she talks with Random House Children’s Books authors Gina Chen (VIOLET MADE OF THORNS); E. Lockhart (FAMILY OF LIARS); and Karen M. McManus (NOTHING MORE TO TELL) about their new titles that are sure to give your patrons the thrills and chills. Register now!