Free, online, continuing education events for the week of December 7 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MST
Monday, Dec 7 (12-1 pm)
Tools and Ideas for Independent Reading for All Students… Anywhere, Anytime (
In this edWebinar, Shannon McClintock Miller will share tools and ideas for accommodating the needs of all learners in unique and creative ways. She will explore ways to use apps in concert to support learners who are in remote or hybrid learning models. Practical tips and commonly accessible platforms like Google will be incorporated.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (9-10 am)
Mobile Marketing Tips for Every Generation (Firespring)
Mobile marketing is a key component of any comprehensive marketing strategy. And optimizing your website for all devices and screens is crucial for staying relevant with today’s audiences, especially millennials and Gen Xers, but even the more tech-savvy baby boomers. And if you don’t keep up you’ll lag behind, losing online visitors, donors and, ultimately, donations.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (9-10:15 am)
Start on your sustainability goals today (OCLC)
Join Chris Cyr, OCLC Associate Research Scientist, and elected OCLC Global Council library leaders for an introduction to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Learn how libraries, IFLA, and OCLC members are using these goals to develop strategies and services to help support economic and social issues in their communities.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (11-12 pm)
The Give and Take of Coordinating Concurrent Large and Complex FDLP Projects (Federal Depository Library Program)
This webinar will illustrate how a carefully coordinated workflow can maximize human resources and minimize project time. The presentation will demonstrate how developing and implementing such a process enabled a university selective depository to successfully complete a massive downsizing of a collection, a widespread offering of materials, a weighty relocation of the downsized collection, and a labor intensive receiving of regional materials.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (11-12 pm)
Year-End Fundraising Blitz: Raise money fast to finish your year strong (Charity Village)
Need more revenue before the end of the year? There is still time to use crowdfunding and make it happen! With crowdfunding you can have your fundraising campaign up and running in less than a day. Join us to learn more how to create a stunning Year-End fundraiser and raise money fast.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (12-1 pm)
Maximizing LearningExpress Library’s Job and Career Resources During COVID-19 (EBSCO)
Learn how to best use LearningExpress Library’s job and career resources to help those impacted by our current economic crisis. You will learn which key content and features can help job seekers explore careers, prepare for occupational license exams, write resumes and build workplace skills as well as tips for optimizing and promoting your valuable LearningExpress Library resources to your users.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (12-1 pm)
Brainfuse’s JobNow & VetNow: Online Career & Veteran Support Services for Your Patrons during the COVID-19 Crisis (LibraryWorks)
Join us for a free informative webinar presentation that will cover all aspects of Brainfuse’s online career services, JobNow and VetNow. These powerful resources are backed by an industry leading team of experts who provide patrons with live, one-to-one interview coaching, job search guidance, resume assistance, and through VetNow, help in navigating the various benefits available to veterans of the U.S. Military. Most importantly, we will emphasize how our JobNow and VetNow career services are particularly valuable as our economy rebounds from the COVID-19 crisis.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (12-1 pm)
Smart Scheduling and Planning in Youth Services, Part 2: Staff & Program Scheduling (Association for Library Service to Children)
Scheduling staff can be challenging. Add in programming, and that can be a recipe for stress. Learn to juggle staffing, programming, and community engagements successfully while keeping your personal schedule in balance.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (12-1 pm)
Quick Bites: Read with me! Inviting Children into the Reading Experience (Colorado State Library)
When you read WITH children, rather than to them, you invite children to participate in the experience of reading and create opportunities for language and cognitive growth. asking questions, making connections, and exploring the pictures are a few ways to invite children to read with you. Modeling this to caregivers at storytime can open up a new world of literacy and language opportunities.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (12-1 pm)
Celebrate Computer Science Education Week with SciGirls! (National Girls Collaborative Project)
Join SciGirls and NGCP as we celebrate Computer Science Education Week! In this webinar, you’ll learn about the SciGirls Strategies for engaging girls in STEM and how to apply them to your computer science activities. Various examples of strategies in action will be shared from the practitioner perspective. Activities and media resources that can be used in your programs will also be included.
Tuesday, Dec 8 (1-2 pm)
How to Captivate and Engage Constituents with Your Website (Firespring)
Everything you do as a nonprofit organization leads people back to your website. It is the center of your marketing universe and home base of your brand. Does your website captivate and engage people or is it merely an online brochure with a few photos and mission statement? In this session, we will share more than a decade of focus group research.
Wednesday, Dec 9 (9-10 am)
Understanding the Power Human Behavior Wields in Our Lives (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Speakers will share insights and updated approaches for managing common conditions such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, new ways of approaching mental health outside specialty care as well as methods to address the persistently mentally ill will be inventoried. Special focus will be given to the role society can play in recognizing the impact of childhood trauma and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Wednesday, Dec 9 (9-10 am)
Esports and Evidence-Based Connected Learning (Nebraska Library Commission)
Esports is the competitive wing of electronic gaming which is experiencing explosive growth around the world. This session is designed to provide the resources libraries need to meet young people where they are with an interest-driven learning environment. The learning ecosystem encompasses a variety of roles beyond the players, such as videographers, graphic designers, and writers. Two rural librarians and the North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF) will position you to create a successful program.
Wednesday, Dec 9 (10-11 am)
Accessible and Inclusive: eLearning for Everyone in 2021 (Training Magazine Network)
No instructional designer ever sets out to purposely create barriers to learning. But we all see the world through our own lens, and that means we may be innocently excluding important groups of learners. In this session, we’ll take a step back and shine a light on hidden assumptions and biases that could make your learning less inclusive–and therefore, less effective.
Wednesday, Dec 9 (12-1 pm)
Introduction to Corporate Giving (Candid Learning)
Is your organization ready to seek corporate support? Corporate grantmakers are different from traditional foundations in many ways. This class provides a basic overview of: The different types of corporate giving; What motivates corporations to give; How to find potential corporate partners.
Wednesday, Dec 9 (12-1:30 pm)
Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes? (Early Childhood Investigations)
Join author-designer Rusty Keeler as he celebrates the beauty and benefits of risky play and the importance of adults supporting children’s play. Loaded with amazing images and inspiration Rusty challenges you to think about your own professional practice with children and encourages you to take bold new steps to support play a little more each day. You will learn tips and tools to breathe through risky play moments and reflect on your attitudes and comfort levels around risky play.
Wednesday, Dec 9 (1-2 pm)
Free Online Tools That Are Unique, Fun and Inspiring (Infopeople)
Let’s be honest: we could all use some unique and creative ways to help make the internet fun again. In this webinar we will delve into nooks and crannies of the internet to discover the variety of fun and awe-inspiring creations that are out there. We will be looking at: Tools related to music and sounds; Tools for creating art of varying sorts; Games that take little time and are not mainstream; More than 30 free online tools that are off the beaten path.
Wednesday, Dec 9 (2-3 pm)
Better On The Outside After Being Inside – Improving Health Literacy and Self-Care For Incarcerated Persons (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
This presentation describes findings from an Information Resource Grant to Reduce Health Disparities project, funded by the National Library of Medicine. The project aims to engage justice-involved individuals with health education to enhance their knowledge and use of health services and resources. This project won the Frank Bradway Rogers Health Information Advancement Award from the Medical Library Association in 2020.
Thursday, Dec 10 (9-10 am)
When Equity Is Optional: ESSA’s Fifth Anniversary and Early Lessons from Implementation (Alliance for Excellent Education/Future Ready Schools)
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) gave states much more flexibility in designing their school accountability systems. Unfortunately, new analyses from the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed) show that flexibility and equity often conflict. Under ESSA, the state in which students live matters a great deal. Join us for a conversation on ESSA’s fifth birthday to reflect on early lessons of ESSA implementation and the implications for students of color and students from low-income families.
Thursday, Dec 10 (10-11 am)
From a Big Deal to Platinum Open Access: How the Population Association of American and Duke University Press Converted Demography (Lyrasis)
In 2021, the Population Association of America will move its flagship journal, Demography, from a large collection sold by a commercial publisher to a platinum open-access model published by a university press. University presses provide high-quality publishing services ethically and mindfully, with a mission that aligns with university libraries. But creating a viable alternative to a commercial publisher presents challenges. In this roundtable discussion, players within the scholarly communications ecosystem—a publisher, a librarian, and an association leader—will discuss Demography’s financial model and how the community is working together to cover the journal’s publishing costs and offset previous revenue streams. At a time when openly available global access to population research is of critical importance, how can the scholarly community ensure that Demography’s future is sustainable? And how can university presses build on lessons learned from converting Demography to provide cost-effective publishing alternatives?
Thursday, Dec 10 (11-12 pm)
Introduction to Library Space: A Planning Resource for Librarians (Massachusetts Libraries: Board of Library Commissioners)
Lan Ying Ip (Sasaki), Lauren Stara (MBLC), and Andrea Bunker (MBLC) will discuss and answer questions about our new library space planning resource. Library Space: A Planning Resource for Librarians creates a formal set of best practices for designing library space that may be applied to libraries across the nation. The guide empowers librarians, administrators, space planners, and architects with tools for the planning and design of public library buildings.
Thursday, Dec 10 (11-11:45 am)
How To Successfully Navigate the Nonprofit Fundraising Job Market During a Recession (CharityHowTo)
As of August 2020, according to estimates from the Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, the nonprofit sector has shed about 1.6 million jobs in the first few months of the coronavirus pandemic. Many of these jobs were fundraising positions.You may be presently furloughed, laid off, uncertain, or even wondering what’s next. While the job market may be competitive in the fundraising field right now, don’t let that limit your possibilities. This workshop will help you successfully navigate the nonprofit job market during a recession.
Thursday, Dec 10 (11-3 pm)
Rural Library Summit: Accelerating 3rd-Grade Reading Outcomes in Rural Places (Berea College)
Research has shown that children who read on or above grade level in third grade triple their chances of attending college. The Summit will explore how libraries can grow their impact on third grade reading leveraging community support and resources. Participants will learn about and connect with a range of opportunities with regional and national organizations, including the newly launched Rural Library Fellowship.
Thursday, Dec 10 (12-1 pm)
From Woodstock to Your High School Band, from Sesame Street to the Lincoln Theater: Government Resources for Music and the Performing Arts (Federal Depository Library Program)
Come along for this webinar on Government resources for music and the performing arts. You’ll find new information ranging from the Library of Congress to National Public Radio; from the National Endowment for the Humanities to the Smithsonian.
Thursday, Dec 10 (12-1 pm)
How to Champion Teaching and Learning in the Digital Humanities (Library Journal)
Completing a research project in the digital humanities can feel like embarking on a triathlon. With a depth and breadth of content available to students, honing in on research questions, building a corpus, and analyzing content with advanced computational tools that can generate meaningful results can be a true test of endurance. In this webcast, you’ll hear three expert panelists discuss how to optimize teaching and learning in the digital humanities.
Thursday, Dec 10 (12-1 pm)
Service Design for All: Bridging Gaps in Your Nonprofit’s Service Delivery (TechSoup)
In this session, we will learn tactical and pragmatic tools for understanding the digital, physical, or interpersonal relationships that directly affect your clients, services, and team. What processes and tools are working well, and where can we identify opportunities? We will learn how to create a service blueprint to capture a holistic look at your nonprofit in order to set you up for success in 2021.
Thursday, Dec 10 (12-1:15 pm)
Youth Book Buzz for Spring 2021 (Booklist)
Dig in with Alex and Wendy, two of Ingram’s MLS-degreed Cultivators, for a fruitful discussion on unbeleafable Children’s and Teen books your patrons will be buzzing about this spring!
Thursday, Dec 10 (12-1:30 pm)
Expand Your Fundraising and Donor Engagement With Digital Marketing and Cloud Computing (Candid Learning)
Join Candid, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and AmazonSmile to learn more about how AWS’s cloud computing services and the AmazonSmile program can help support your nonprofit’s fundraising and donor engagement goals. AmazonSmile will share how to best leverage their program to generate cash and product donations. SalsaLabs will share marketing best practices and how the new Engage with Salesforce Integration tool, powered by AWS, helps increase marketing automation and personalization in donor outreach.
Thursday, Dec 10 (1-2 pm)
How to Prepare a Grants Strategy during Uncertain Times (Bloomerang)
Rachel Werner will review what tried and true methods still have value, what might need to be changed, and what is still left unknown. You can start off 2021 with a better sense of how to be successful during times of uncertainty.
Thursday, Dec 10 (1-2 pm)
Solving Academic and Behavior Problems in a Remote Environment (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development)
Sign up for a close look at proven ways to relieve the five biggest stressors of teaching in a remote or hybrid setting. Using the strengths-based approach of Appreciative Inquiry, Margaret Searle and Marilyn Swartz will walk you through a problem-solving process that helps you apply your past successes to resolve new and unfamiliar challenges.
Friday, Dec 11 (12-1:30 pm)
NEH Preservation Assistance Grants (Lyrasis)
Join us for an overview of National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Assistance Grants (PAGs), including eligible activities, the application process, the review process, information on previously-funded projects, tips on writing your application, and more. We will review the latest application guideliness for proposals due on January 14, 2021.