Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of February 24

Feb 24, 2020

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of February 24 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at


All times MST

Monday, Feb 24 (12-1 pm)
National Library of Medicine Resources for Citizen Scientists (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
In this class, participants will learn how to support citizen science in their communities and ways that libraries can participate. Participants will learn about citizen science library program models, free National Library of Medicine resources to incorporate into citizen science library programs, and sources of funding to explore for buying testing kits or supporting community research efforts. Citizen science library programs are perfect for all ages, and all types of libraries.

Tuesday, Feb 25 (11-11:45 am)
How to Create an Effective Event Budget (CharityHowTo)
It is time to breathe a big sigh of relief, because this FREE webinar will help you ace your event budget! In this free 45-minute live webinar, event planning expert A.J. Steinberg of Queen Bee Fundraising will show you step-by-step how to create an effective event budget.

Tuesday, Feb 25 (11:15-12 pm) from the staff side:  From Stats to Widgets (Wyoming State Library)
Webinar ID 159-031-667
Where to find database statistics and announcements, FAQ’s about access, database product information and marketing tools, guides and handouts, and much more! The State Library has created and compiled information just for you.

Tuesday, Feb 25 (1-2 pm)
Marketing Magic Tricks for Training Strategy (insynctraining)
This session introduces fresh ideas sourced from the field of consumer marketing and shows you how to apply them to your training strategy. Using the lens of learner as consumer, we reveal the secrets behind some of the simplest and most engaging marketing strategies to motivate people to engage in training programs.

Wednesday, Feb 26 (8-9 am)
Finding and Serving Hidden Patrons (Indiana State Library)
How do you serve people in your community who are unable get in to your library?  How do you find those people? What kind of programs or services could be offered to them? These questions plague libraries everywhere. Learn how we identified our target patron groups, partnered with community agencies to identify patrons, young and not so young, who would benefit from outreach programming, and how we used materials and staff on hand to add outreach to our service repertoire.

Wednesday, Feb 26 (9-10 am)
Pretty Sweet Tech (Nebraska Library Commission)
Special monthly episodes of NCompass Live! Join the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Amanda Sweet, as she guides us through the world of library-related Pretty Sweet Tech.

Wednesday, Feb 26 (11-12 pm)
What’s My Role as a Nonprofit Board Member? (propel nonprofits)
You’re at the table – now what? Learn to participate in board meetings and other engagements with more confidence and knowledge about your role as a board member. We’ll cover board responsibilities and how you can be a strong resource for a nonprofit organization. A recording of this webinar and a pdf of the slides will be shared with those registered after the session in a follow-up email.

Wednesday, Feb 26 (12-1 pm)
Traveling with a Disability / Health Condition (Federal Depository Library Program)
This webinar will provide mainly government information regarding national and international travel, including accessible travel by airplane, bus, and train. The webinar will also cover accessibility information for places such as national parks and museums.

Wednesday, Feb 26 (12-1 pm)
Connecting Out-of-School-Time (OST) Activities and Student Interest in STEM (National Girls Collaborative Project)
Join us on February 26th to find out which types of programs and which attributes of these programs are the most successful in increasing STEM interest and the most common reasons students do not participate in these programs.

Wednesday, Feb 26 (1-2 pm)
A Framework for Digital Citizenship Implementation (
Join this edWebinar to learn more about contributing factors that need to be considered when implementing digital citizenship in your school or district. Common Sense Education’s Digital Citizenship Implementation Guide provides a path for a phased framework to help you plan, implement, and evaluate your digital citizenship program. From how to get buy-in, assessing your motivation and needs, instructional plans, educating families, to how to become a Common Sense Recognized School or District, we will discuss different models for digital citizenship implementation.

Thursday, Feb 27 (9-10 am)
Don’t Fence Me In: Rethinking Western Reader’s Advisory (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
RESCHEDULED FROM JANUARY 23. We’ve all been there. The patron who has read EVERY. SINGLE. LOUIS. L’AMOUR title in your collection. The Elmer Kelton fan who has to resort to ILL. Laura Jean, one of the Reader’s Advisory Librarians at the Talking Book Program, has some possible solutions for you. She’s going to suggest different ways of approaching westerns that will have your patrons looking at this beloved genre in a whole new way.

Thursday, Feb 27 (10-11 am)
Taking Care of Us: Inreach for Library Staff (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Join library director, yoga teacher, and physical literacy researcher, Jenn Carson, as she teaches you how to de-stress at your desk, maintain proper posture, avoid injury, and regulate your emotions through breathing, stretching, and other techniques. Participants will learn an easy self-care routine that will help to reduce stress at work and leave you feeling recharged instead of drained. Participants will leave with digital downloads to help them remember what they learned and share with their colleagues.

Thursday, Feb 27 (11-12 pm)
Hiring Help For Nonprofit Managers (Charity Village)
It’s important to find the right person for the role in a manner that is fair, consistent and free from bias. But recruiting doesn’t have to be difficult! Using a combination of best practices and lived experience, this webinar will walk you through the key steps to a successful selection of your next hire.

Thursday, Feb 27 (12-1 pm)
Finding Your Social Media Sweet Spot (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a workshop focused on utilizing social media to boost nonprofit fundraising.  Chad will provide tips to center your messaging with a focus on telling the right stories, in the right format, on the right channel.

Thursday, Feb 27 (12:30-1:30 pm)
Survey Translation and the Inclusion of End Users in the Process: Experiences from the U.S. Census Bureau (DigitalGov)
We will review the intricacies of multilingual survey design, give an overview of the literature on survey translation, and we will discuss how to include the end users of our products in the development through pretesting. This talk will also include tips for monolingual speakers of English who manage the translation and pre testing process.

Thursday, Feb 27 (3-4 pm)
Is it Time to Scrap the C.R.A.A.P. Test? Using Formative Assessment to Improve Students’ Resource Selection Skills (
Distinguishing truth from disinformation is only a small part of a larger problem. Students frequently rely on shallow reference materials as core sources for research, treat 2-minute news clips as in-depth journalism, and fail to distinguish between reportage and opinion articles. Lecturing students about these shortcomings rarely helps, but providing meaningful feedback on research checkpoints (e.g., research questions, works cited lists, and thesis statements) can be instructionally effective. Join Michelle Luhtala as she shares replicable lessons and instructional materials to help learners improve their inquiry skills.

This free one-day online conference is aimed at librarians from small libraries; the smaller the better! All of our speakers are from small libraries – public, university, and health. Everyone is welcome to register and attend, regardless of how big or small your library. But, if your library serves a few hundred to a few thousand people, this is the day for you!

Saturday, Feb 29 (10-11 am)
Using Others’ Work in Our Own Creations (Copyright & Creativity)
Part 2 of a 2-part series. Help students successfully navigate copyright in their own roles as creators: Fair use for students; How to find creative work that is free to use–Creative Commons and public domain; Resources for teaching these concepts to students.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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