Free, online, continuing education events for the week of July 22 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Tuesday, July 23 (12-1 pm)
Fall YA Announcements (Booklist)
New school year, new reading goals, new YA! Please join us July 23 for a special one-hour, free webinar where we’ll give you an inside line to the teen books that are sure to fly off the shelves this upcoming school year.
Tuesday, July 23 (12-1 pm)
4 Steps to Creating a Team to Deliver on Your Mission (Wild Apricot)
If you’re trying to drive impact or increase membership by yourself, it can feel almost impossible — but luckily, you don’t have to do it alone. Many organizations know their staff, members, volunteers, and board members already talk about them on a regular basis. With the right training and motivation, your entire team could be spreading the word about the benefits of membership, helping you attract more new and returning members and increase your impact. To learn how to ask, train and support your team, please join us for this free webinar.
Wednesday, July 24 (9-10 am)
STEM-LINC Webinar on Visualizing Research Impact: Tools and Tips from EPA-RTP Library (North Carolina Library Association)
Taylor Johnson will present Visualizing Research Impact: Tools and Tips from EPA-RTP Library. She will discuss how she puts together bibliometric data and visualizations to create portfolios, reports, and infographic-like products for researchers to use for reviews, promotions, and awards.
Wednesday, July 24 (12-1 pm)
DAP Learning Series: Misunderstood Metrics (DigitalGov)
Google Analytics provides a plethora of metrics for DAP reporting. Digital Analytics Program (DAP) users have access to many metrics, but many of these metrics are misunderstood. What are some examples of misunderstood metrics, and how and when should you use them? We’ll talk about these metrics and their potential misinterpretations and pitfalls.
Wednesday, July 24 (12-1 pm)
Gov Insights: State and Local Innovation (GovLoop)
Join this webinar to hear an exciting panel discussion on how state and local governments are innovating in the areas of cybersecurity, digital services, customer experience and more.
Wednesday, July 24 (12-1:30 pm)
Is Starting a Nonprofit Right For You? (Grantspace)
In this session you’ll learn the legal and logistical elements necessary to start a successful nonprofit. You’ll also learn about possible alternatives to starting your own nonprofit that you may not have considered. Finally, you’ll be introduced to a tool that will help you assess your own readiness to move forward.
Wednesday, July 24 (4-5:30 pm)
Power Packed Primary Sources for the Classroom (Teachers First)
Help your students learn from history by examining primary source materials. Join us to learn strategies for the use of historical evidence in the classroom.
Thursday, July 25 (12-1 pm)
Check It Out! New Books for Ages 0-18 (State Library of Iowa)
Join us on the last Thursday of each month for a review of brand new titles published for ages 0-18. You’ll hear short booktalks of new titles (and new entries in ongoing series) from major and Indie publishers and get ideas on how to keep up with the endless tide of what’s new in kidlit and young adult literature.
Thursday, July 25 (12-1 pm)
Providing Access to Digital Documents (Federal Depository Library Program)
This webinar will present basic information about digital U.S. Government documents. Different methods for making documents available will be explained, and examples of how libraries provide patron access will be provided.
Thursday, July 25 (12-1 pm)
Exploring Census Data Webinar Series: Healthcare – Key Census Data on Healthcare (U.S. Census)
During this webinar, Census Bureau experts will help you:; Understand practical ways to use our healthcare data through illustrations and use cases; Learn about available resources and data tools, which can assist you in saving time looking for data; Learn how to compare and contrast the different types of available data.
Thursday, July 25 (1-2 pm)
Training and Copyright: Do I Always Have to Get Permission? I’ve Heard of Something Called Fair Use… (Training Magazine Network)
Those of us who want to keep our jobs and reputations need to protect our clients from risks, including running afoul of copyright and trademark laws – like “Fair Use” – when creating training materials. Through case studies, we’ll explore the process for determining when Fair Use may apply (It’s not a slam dunk) and examine best practices.
Friday, July 26 (11-12 pm)
From A(ddiction) to Z(its): Supporting Teens with Health Information (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
This is a one hour webinar that will provide youth-serving staff with skills and knowledge related to health information and health-focused programming. The one hour class will present an overview of health information needs of teenagers and their information seeking behaviors, review communication skills needed during reference interviews with teenagers, and explore credible health information resources that are designed for teens.