Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of July 24

Jul 23, 2023

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of July 24 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events on our Training Calendar.

calendar listings

All times MDT

Tuesday, Jul 25 (11am-12pm)
Executive Directors Chat: Artificial Intelligence — The Good, the Bad, and the Scary (TechSoup)
Join us as we explore the boundless potential of AI, where we will confront the good, the bad, and the downright scary aspects of these game-changing technologies. Led by Deb Stuligross, a seasoned technology professional with extensive experience working alongside nonprofit organizations, this webinar will explore how to harness the power of AI while remaining responsible stewards of the invaluable data entrusted to us as nonprofit leaders. Get ready to engage in an interactive session that encourages questions, addresses concerns, and encourages the sharing of personal experiences with AI. This is your chance to expand your network, deepen your knowledge, and make a meaningful contribution to the community of nonprofit leaders.

Tuesday, Jul 25 (12-12:50 pm)
Brain Drain: How to Combat Burnout (GovLoop)
It’s the middle of summer and you just want to take that vacation that you’ve been putting off for months … years? But you can’t. You can’t because you have too much on your plate right now. You are teetering at the edge of a complete burnout. Things that used to take a few minutes are now being drawn out. Your brain is fried. What can you do to stop this cycle? Join NextGen and GovLoop online to hear from a burnout expert about steps you can take to get balance back in your life.

Tuesday, Jul 25 (12-1pm)
Understanding the Role of Ethics in Volunteer Management and Engagement (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
We all encounter ethical dilemmas in our daily work with and for community, but rarely do organizations focus on ethics related to volunteer engagement. This session provides an opportunity for practitioners to understand the difference between personal, organizational and professional ethics. The core values and principles identified by the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA) will be shared. Participants will learn a process for ethical decision-making that can be applied in any situation, and then practice this using real-life scenarios related to volunteers. Finally, several specific strategies will be offered for increasing awareness of ethics within an organization and helping both volunteers and staff become more effective at handling ethical dilemmas.

Tuesday, Jul 25 (1-2 pm)
Storytelling for Impact (Firespring)
Join Firespring’s Kiersten Hill as she goes through tips, techniques and tools to help the modern marketer tell better and more impactful stories to activate their audiences around ideas and actions.

Wednesday, Jul 26 (8-9 am)
Edelweiss for Collection Development & Management (Indiana State Library)
This session, led by Edelweiss reps Deidre Dumpson & David Ownby, will dive into how and why you should leverage Edelweiss tools for the purposes of collection development & management. Whether it’s print budget overview, staff-wide engagement, or general collection oversight there are a plethora of free ways you can leverage Edewleiss today!

Wednesday, Jul 26 (11-12 pm)
Sponsors: How to Find Them & Create a Win-Win (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a workshop focused on maximizing sponsorship revenue for your programs and events (both in person and virtual).  The session starts by focusing on identifying potential sponsors and beginning the partnership conversation.  It closes with a focus on structuring win-win, long term sponsorship relationships.

Wednesday, Jul 26 (9-10am)
NCompass Live: Pretty Sweet Tech: Internet Filtering For E-Rate CIPA Compliance And Cybersecurity – Online (Nebraska Library Commission)
To take advantage of the E-rate funding to pay for your library’s Internet service, you are required to have CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) compliant filtering in place. Filtering can also provide strong cybersecurity protection for library staff and customers. Guest Presenter Andrew “Sherm” Sherman, with the Nebraska Library Commission Computer Services team, will discuss how this filtering can be implemented, the cyber security benefits, and the various solutions that meet CIPA guidelines.

Wednesday, Jul 26 (12-1 pm)
The Road Less Taken: Communication and Collaboration vs. Perspectives and Assumptions (Association of Southeastern Research Libraries)
In recent times, a spotlight has been placed on how we in the library world do business on a daily basis. Spending time thinking of how we can change our ideas and habits, how we interact with each other, and ways we have exchanges with patrons have led to many changes in workflow and thought processes. Let’s go down a few paths into where we were, where we went due to the pandemic, and where we need to go in the future as well as what happens with communications, collaborations, perspectives, and assumptions.

Thursday, Jul 27 (8am-3pm)
SLJ Picture Book Palooza (School Library Journal)
Join us July 27th for our third annual SLJ Picture Book Palooza, an all-day, free virtual celebration of authors and artists dedicated to the extraordinary craft of picture books! Come for a day packed with keynotes, author panels, and illustrator spotlights with visionary creators. Visit the exhibit hall, chat with authors and publishing teams, download digital galleys & resources, and be prepared to be inspired as you build your collection.

Friday, Jul 28 (12-1pm)
Share Knowledge, Ideas, Learning, and Library Solutions! Virtual – Online (Nebraska Library Commission)
Get together virtually with librarians to Share Knowledge, Ideas, Learning, and Library Solutions! Research has shown that networking with fellow librarians is beneficial professional development that improves professional practice, promotes shared leadership, and helps people remain in the profession.

Friday, Jul 28 (12-1:15 pm)
Introduction to corporate giving (Candid Learning)
Is your organization ready to seek corporate support? Corporate grantmakers are different from traditional foundations in many ways. This class provides a basic overview of: The different types of corporate giving; What motivates corporations to give; How to find potential corporate partners.

Monday, Jul 31 (12-1 pm)
The 5 Most Common Mistakes Supervisors Make (GovLoop)
Join us online to hear from a government expert and learn:Why common supervisor mistakes happen … and happen often; the best tactics to avoid those pitfalls; what your peers have done to avoid making mistakes over and over again.

Monday, Jul 31 (12-1:30pm)
Health Statistics on the Web (Network of the National Library of Medicine)
The importance and relevance of health statistics in various contexts will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to become familiar with the features and scope of several statistics Internet resources through the use of numerous exercises. Objectives: Recognize the differences between data, data sets, and statistics; understand the 4-step process used to locate relevant health statistics for a particular circumstance or issue; identify online resources that provide data sets and statistics at the local, state and national level.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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