Free, online, continuing education events for this week of from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Tuesday, July 10 (8:30-9:30 am)
Social Media 101 for Nonprofits (Firespring)
Learn the basics of using social media for your nonprofit organization and give you handy tips for the “big 3:” Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Tuesday, July 10 (10-11 am)
Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite (your library) (Washington State Library)
In this webinar, Beverly Choltco-Devlin. will give an overview of Tacoma Public Library’s experience when several patrons from multiple locations introduced bedbugs into the library through the return of dozens of heavily impacted materials. Relying heavily on the PLA document on what to do (biggest message: “Don’t Panic”), system staff pulled together with vigilance and determination to mitigate against a potentially disastrous outcome.
Tuesday, July 10 (12-1 pm)
Mindful Leadership: Govie Edition (GovLoop Training)
Learn how to bring a mindfulness practice into your office.
Tuesday, July 10 (12-1 pm)
Trustworthy Digital Repositories (Federal Depository Library Program)
This webinar will provide an overview of what defines a “Trustworthy Digital Repository;” what is the history of digital repository best practices, standards, and assessment; and what is the current state of digital repository certification.
Tuesday, July 10 (12-1 pm)
The New Volunteer Manager’s Toolkit (VolunteerMatch)
New to volunteer management? Looking for a refresher on the basics? This webinar will walk you through the three primary Rs – recruitment, retention and recognition. We’ll discuss the most popular program components such as interviews, orientations, volunteer handbooks, and more.
Tuesday, July 10 (12-1 pm)
Small-Press Speed-Dating Extravaganza! (Booklist)
Learn about forthcoming titles from dynamic small presses that will bring rich variety and fresh energy to your collections.
Wednesday, July 11 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: WebJunction: The Learning Place for Libraries (Nebraska Library Commission)
Find out how to make the most of WebJunction including their live and recorded webinars, self-paced courses, as well as articles and resources, which can all play a part in helping you meet your learning goals.
Wednesday, July 11 (10-11 am)
Strategic Thinking (American Management Association)
Strategic thinking skills are essential for employees at all levels. The AMA will explain the combination of concepts around the skills needed to think strategically, and the practices that allow participants to develop and hone their skills in a classroom environment.
Wednesday, July 11 (10-11 am)
IMPROV(e) Your Business Workshop Series (Nonprofit hub)
In this webinar with Gina Trimarco, CEO of Carolina Improv Company & Pivot10 Results will share strategies on ways to re-activate your brain to build stronger rapport and connections that result in higher earned income, donations and referrals to other donors.
Wednesday, July 11 (11-12 pm)
How to get media coverage for your small nonprofit (The Good Partnership)
Helping small nonprofits change the world through fundraising. Whether you work for social justice, equality, social innovation, education, arts and culture, the environment, animal rights, or any other cause, you are on a mission to change the world. Don’t let fundraising stand in the way of what you stand for. Evolve it.
Wednesday, July 11 (11-12 pm)
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to Promote Framework Principles Adoption, Student Engagement and Active Learning (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
More and more libraries and educational institutions provide online content whether databases, archival collections, videos, and documents. But how much of this information is accessible by those who are blind, have low vision, or are hard of hearing? This webinar series will provide some basic steps librarians can take to make their content accessible to all.
Wednesday, July 11 (11-12 pm)
The Art of Collections Management Technology (Lyrasis)
In an effort to better support and serve museums, LYRASIS has commissioned a field-wide analysis and evaluation of collections management technology. This case study presentation will focus on the information gathered that will be generally useful for those working for change in their own institutions.
Wednesday, July 11 (12-1 pm)
Make Your Smartphone a Depository Library (Federal Depository Library Program)
In this webinar, you will learn about a variety of Government apps, including, PubMed mobile, CDC MMWR Express, and FEMA.
Wednesday, July 11 ( 12-1 pm)
Introduction to Finding Grants (GrantSpace)
Discover what funders are looking for in nonprofits seeking grants and how to find potential funders in this introductory course.
Wednesday, July 11 (1-2 pm)
How to Keep All Those New Donors You Worked So Hard to Get (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a discussion on the importance of donor retention and learn simple, actionable steps that you can take to boost donor retention in your organization.
Wednesday, July 11 (1-2 pm)
Supporting the Turquoise Wedge with Mirrors and Windows in the School Library Collection (Follett)
This webinar will explore the concept of mirror and window books as a critical component of a diverse school library collection. Participants will leave the session feeling empowered to support the turquoise wedge of the Future Ready Librarians Framework by curating resources, both print and digital, that reflect and value diversity.
Wednesday, July 11 (4-5:30 pm)
Hidden Treasures: Engaging and Free Resources from TeachersFirst (Teachers First)
Learn about the resources provided by TeachersFirst to make technology integration easy. Explore the teacher-friendly features of TeachersFirst to help you save time in developing technology infused lessons. Participants will learn strategies to incorporate the tools of the web successfully into any classroom.
Thursday, July 12 (8:30-9:30 am)
Be Found: The Secrets of SEO for Nonprofits (Firespring)
Everyone wants to be found. Your website is no exception. In this session we will share best practices of nonprofits that are experts at driving traffic to their websites and review the tools you should use to maximize your findability.
Thursday, July 12 (9-10 am)
Perfecting your Pitch: How to Successfully tell your Story to the Media (Nonprofit hub)
In this session, Annie will provide very tactical advice to rise above the noise and stand out. The key? Perfecting your pitch. She will go through an exercise that dives into how to create and perfect your pitch, what PR strategies you can incorporate to help you successfully tell your story to the media, and how to build your community and increase your donor base.
Thursday, July 12 (11-12 pm)
An Introduction to Online Fundraising for Small and Medium-Sizing Nonprofits (Charity How To)
Learn the tactics to successfully raise money online for your nonprofit, even if you are a small or midsize organization.
Thursday, July 12 (11-12 pm)
Be CALM not BUSY: How to Manage Your Nonprofit’s Communications (Firespring)
Learn clear and specific steps to bring more CALM into your work.
Thursday, July 12 (11-12 pm)
Personalizing Learning: Empowering Students to Use Data to Drive Their Own Learning (edWeb)
Discover how a blended learning model can be used as a tool to support effective data-driven instruction and learn practical strategies for beginning to engage students with making their own data-driven decisions.
Thursday, July 12 (12-1 pm)
An Inside Look at How the FBI Develops Engaging Video (DigitalGov)
This talk is aimed at video producers, directors, cinematographers / DP’s, editors, social media and digital content managers, and anyone else interested in widening their reach through telling stories.
Thursday, July 12 (12-1 pm)
Youth Engagement & Leadership (YALSA)
This webinar addresses the Youth Engagement & Leadership competency in which librarians respond to all teens’ interests and needs, and act in partnership with teens to create and implement teen activities and to foster teen leadership.
Thursday, July 12 (12-1 pm)
Social Media and Volunteer Engagement (VolunteerMatch)
This webinar will offer an introduction to including social media in your volunteer recruitment and retention plans. You’ll see examples of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube pages, as well as blogs that other nonprofits have successfully used to draw attention to their organizations and volunteer opportunities.
Thursday, July 12 (12-1 pm)
Google Earth Web: Oh the Places You Can Go (Teachers First)
Learn the key features of Google Earth web and how to incorporate this powerful tool into your classroom instruction. The reimagined version of Google Earth includes features that go beyond the use of maps and satellite imagery. Users can now explore the world with Voyager, Google’s Earth’s showcase of guided tours, and try out the 3D button to view places from any angle. Leave with classroom ideas and lesson planning resources.
Thursday, July 12 (1-1:45 pm)
World Class: How to Build a 21st Century School System (Alliance for Excellent Education)
Join Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills and Special Advisor on Education Policy to the Secretary-General and Bob Wise, President of the Alliance for Excellent Education for a discussion on successes and a serious look at good practices in countries around the world to understand what works best in different contexts. They will also answer answers submitted online by viewers.
Thursday, July 12 (2-3 pm)
Choose Your Own Adventure with Google Slides (Teachers First)
Learn to create a non-linear show that can engage learners while helping them learn content. Join us for this session where you will learn to create and use Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) stories.
Friday, July 13 (12-1 pm)
Making Difficult Conversations Easy (Effectiveness Institute)
This one-hour session introduces you to concepts that enable you to begin to “integrate conflict” — to walk into it and effectively handle it – rather than avoid it.