Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of June 15

Jun 15, 2020

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of June 15 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

All times MDT

Monday, Jun 15 (12:30-1:30 pm)
Neurodiversity in the Library (Idaho Commission for Libraries)
Join Lori Uria from Neurodiversity Matters Idaho to learn about neurodiversity, how libraries can increase their understanding of the needs of neurodiverse patrons, develop workplaces friendly to neurodiverse employees, and ensure libraries are welcoming spaces to everyone in their community.

Tuesday, Jun 16 (10-11 am)
More than Calm: Exercising Your Attention with Mindfulness -Session 2 (State Library of North Carolina)
While the scientific evidence of its potential benefits grows, there’s a counter-intuitive art to establishing a consistent mindfulness practice. Live mindfulness practice sessions with an experienced coach help participants set realistic expectations, customize their approach to fit their needs, and better understand how to interpret their practice experiences.

Tuesday, Jun 16 (11-12 pm)
History’s Ears Are Ringing: Examining Archival Evidence of Past Pandemics (Library Journal/Wiley Digital Archives)
In this interactive discussion, Steere-Williams will offer a cross-disciplinary perspective on some of the major global pandemics that took place throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Using primary source evidence from historical archives, he will illustrate the troubling parallels between past crises and the current health crisis today; including the pitting of public health against economic, science against governmental policy, and the “us” against “them” attitude of xenophobia and nationalism that pervades global disease outbreaks.

Tuesday, Jun 16 (12-1 pm)
Picture Book Parade: Books from Small Presses (Booklist)
With their wit, whimsy, and ability to spark the imagination, picture books remain a constant source of inspiration for readers of all ages. And what better time than now to peruse upcoming picture-book releases from small presses?

Tuesday, Jun 16 (12-1:30 pm)
Getting Started with Virtual Storytimes (WebJunction)
This comprehensive introduction to virtual storytimes will include book selection and copyright, technology and social media tools, strategies for accessibility and inclusion, early literacy activities, and ideas for promotion. Learn lessons on how to create a dynamic and engaging online presence and building a rapport with your virtual audience.

Wednesday, Jun 17 (9-10 am)
Who are These People & Why are They in My Library? Using Empathy & UX to Understand Your Library Patrons (Nebraska Library Commission)
In this session we will discuss ways to know your users better through some powerful UX techniques like: creating user personas, diagramming user journey maps, conducting focus groups and surveys, field studies, and card sorting. This session, conducted by a librarian at a university and a UX professional from the private sector, will include demonstrations showcasing both qualitative and quantitative UX methods. Attendees will leave with ready models to put to work in their library.

Wednesday, Jun 17 (10-11 am)
@fundraiserchad’s Favorite Free (or cheap) Fundraising Tools (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a fun, fast-paced session where he will highlight the free (or inexpensive) tools that he uses to make fundraising easier and more efficient. Over 15 tools will be discussed and demonstrated ranging from apps to websites to gadgets to books and more. It’s your chance to take a look under the hood and see how Chad works on a daily basis.

Wednesday, Jun 17 (10-11 am)
Providing Library Senior Services in a COVID-19 World (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
How to provide library service to seniors, the most vulnerable population affected during COVID-19, has been the question raised by outreach librarians across the United States. While we might not be able to visit our seniors or facilities in-person for the foreseeable future, libraries can reach this population while we shelter in place. During this webinar, please find tips and tricks that David J. Kelsey of the St. Charles (IL) Public Library District (SCPLD) and Glenna Godinsky of the Gail Borden (IL) Public Library District recommend in serving the senior demographic during COVID-19.

Wednesday, Jun 17 (12-1 pm)
Community Foundations as a COVID-19 Resource: How to Leverage Donor-Advised Funds (GrantSpace)
Community foundations play a key role in the development of local communities. Join the San Francisco Foundation, the Denver Foundation, and Candid to learn how their donor-advised funds (DAFs) are creating a positive impact in their communities. The presenters will also share some strategies that nonprofits can employ to access this funding during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and after the pandemic is over.

Wednesday, Jun 17 (12-1 pm)
Pairing Primary Sources and Picture Books (Library of Congress)
This session will focus on how the pairing of primary sources and picture books can enhance the awareness of a historic event or individual, the research process taken by authors of historically based picture books, as well as the author’s or illustrator’s portrayal of history.

Wednesday, Jun 17 (12-1:30 pm)
Mindful Emotion Regulation Strategies for Early Educators and the Children With Whom They Work (Early Childhood Investigations)
This energizing and evidence-based webinar is designed specifically to provide the tools and tips parents, teachers and children can use in order to self-soothe and regulate their emotions – especially when confronted with stressors, threats or challenges. Troy will help you learn exercises focused on self-soothing and emotion regulation techniques that address confusion, anger, anxiety, depression and help children regulate their behavior.

Wednesday, Jun 17 (1-2 pm)
Tips for Nonprofit Sustainability (Nonprofit Hub)
Join us for a short webinar on what are the promoters of organizational and program sustainability and how to quickly assess your own nonprofit. Leave with a practical team activity that you can immediately use to better plan for your organization’s future. At the end of this session, you will be able to identify the factors associated with greater organizational and program sustainability and lead a simple but informative sustainability planning exercise in your own organization.

Thursday, Jun 18 (12-1 pm)
Preparing for Project Failure (Pattern Research, Inc.)
Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. (Ascribed to Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, et al) How can we prepare for the unexpected?

Thursday, Jun 18 (12-1 pm)
Best Practices for Helping You Adapt to the New Normal (GovLoop)
The way public and private sector operate has fundamentally shifted in response to recent events. Even as some government agencies are making steps toward reopening, leaders know it may be months before all employees are back in the office, if they ever fully return. Agencies are looking forward to learning from success stories from companies like HP on how they successfully mobilized over 45,000 employees and created a secure and connected employee experience.​ ​

Thursday, Jun 18 (12:30-1:30 pm)
Events in a Digital Age: How to Maximize Offline Events in an Online World (Firespring)
Events like galas, walks and auctions are critical to the fundraising (and friend-raising) strategies for most nonprofits. Want your next one to be a hit? Give it digital legs. Join us to learn how to plan your next event with digital in mind from day one.

Thursday, Jun 18 (1:30-2 pm)
5 Languages of Workplace Appreciation (North Dakota State Library)
Creating a work environment where individuals are connecting and honoring differences is critical to the success of any workplace team. This workshop provides valuable research and insight about how all employees need to understand that what they do on behalf of the organization matters. We will discuss the ways individuals best receive the message of appreciation differs from person to person. The overarching goal of the Appreciation at Work workshop is to assist individuals in the workplace (both employees and volunteers) in understanding how to communicate appreciation and encouragement effectively to their colleagues and to provide the resources and support to apply this knowledge proactively in their current work environment.

Friday, Jun 19 (12-1 pm)
Booklist’s Middle Grade Panel (Booklist)
Booklist’s Middle Grade celebration culminates with this middle-grade panel, featuring authors in conversation with Booklist Senior Editor Julia Smith. Attendees will have the pleasure of hearing from Renee Watson (Ways to Make Sunshine, published by Bloomsbury), Jake Burt (Cleo Porter & the Body Electric, published by Macmillan), Tony DiTerlizzi (Kenny & the Book of Beasts, published by Simon & Schuster), and Kelly J. Baptist (Isaiah Dunn in My Hero, published by Random House). The authors will discuss their upcoming titles and offer insight into the process of writing for a middle-grade audience.

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