Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of June 22

Jun 22, 2020

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of June 22 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

All times MDT

Monday, Jun 22 (11-12 pm)
Is strategic planning dead? Preparing for the future when tomorrow is uncertain (Fast Forward Libraries)
Should you think about strategic planning in the middle of a crisis? What does a strategic planning process look like in turbulent times? While looking ahead three or more years may be out of the question, strategy is necessary to help your library bring order to the unknown and provide the road map your library needs to feel secure in your decisions and communicate with stakeholders.  If your library is struggling to move forward, stuck in “what if” ping-pong, this webinar is for you. Learn how to leverage your strategic planning knowledge and experience in new ways to help your library successfully navigate the coming months and years.

Tuesday, Jun 23 (1-2 pm)
Successfully Implementing Volunteer Program Changes (VolunteerMatch)
This training will give you the tools to approach program changes in a strategic way. We will also cover what to do if volunteers either can’t or won’t adopt the policies, how to manage that situation, and what to do if ultimately you need to ask a volunteer to leave

Wednesday, Jun 24 (8-9 am)
No Secrets! Preparing Your Organization for Your Retirement (Indiana State Library)
Have you secretly been planning your retirement? Is there a date circled on a calendar somewhere that only you can see? Are you counting the days/weeks/months/years to retirement? Find out what happened when a mid-level manager decided to openly involve her library district with her retirement planning. Succession planning can be an opportunity for the entire organization. And when the big day finally arrives, everyone will be ready.

Wednesday, Jun 24 (9-10 am)
Pretty Sweet Tech (Nebraska Library Commission)
Special monthly episodes of NCompass Live! Join the NLC’s Technology Innovation Librarian, Amanda Sweet, as she guides us through the world of library-related Pretty Sweet Tech.

Wednesday, Jun 24 (10-11 am)
The Big 4: Things to Consider When Choosing an Assessment Tool (Training Magazine Network)
Just like any good work person knows the tools of their trade, its vitally important as trainers and coaches we understand which behavioral assessment tool best fits the required need. Join this webinar to find out more.

Wednesday, Jun 24 (11-12 pm)
Practices for Healthy Board Governance (Propel Nonprofits)
Clear expectations are the foundation for healthy board meetings. Rather than focusing on eliminating problem people or wishing conflict away, a better solution is to use a set of practices for how the board will collectively create a healthy space for productive governance to take place. In this webinar we will explore four practices for healthy nonprofit board governance: recruiting and on-ramping, board structures, accountability (including board norms) and board development planning.

Wednesday, Jun 24 (12-1 pm)
Introduction to Corporate Giving (GrantSpace)
Is your organization ready to seek corporate support? Corporate grantmakers are different from traditional foundations in many ways. This class provides a basic overview of: The different types of corporate giving; What motivates corporations to give; How to find potential corporate partners.

Wednesday, Jun 24 (12-1 pm)
Foundations: Analyzing Complex Images (Library of Congress)
How can we help students identify and analyze details that may otherwise go unnoticed? And how can they relate these details together to arrive at a larger understanding? Participants will also reflect on how they might use these strategies with their students.

Wednesday, Jun 24 (12-1 pm)
From Problem to Prevention: Evidence-Based Public Health (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Curious about evidence-based public health (EBPH) but not sure where to start? This class will explain the basics of evidence-based public health (EBPH) and highlight essentials of the EBPH process such as identifying the problem, forming a question, searching the literature, and evaluating the intervention.  The purpose of this class is to provide an introduction to the world of evidence based public health and to give those already familiar with EBPH useful information that can be applied in their practices.

Wednesday, Jun 24 (12-1 pm)
Why Your Library Needs a New, Short-Term Strategic Plan (Pattern Research, Inc.)
How can libraries survive? They might create and implement a new strategic plan that engages the world with fresh assumptions.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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