Free, online, continuing education events for this week from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MST
Monday, Mar 19 (1-2:30 pm)
Active Shooters and Armed Assailants: Responses and Realistic Tools (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Cases of workplace violence involving armed perpetrators in libraries are both rare and catastrophic. Not all subjects have used guns in these attacks; edged weapons are a concern as well. Recent events have heightened the awareness of the need for library employees to follow the national DHS protocol: Run – Hide – Fight. Since all employees are in charge of their own sense of security, they need to know what to do, what not to do, and how to protect themselves and other patrons or students during these life-changing events.
For more information and to register, visit:
Tuesday, Mar 20 (10-11 am)
Developing Escape Rooms at Libraries (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
This session will feature guest speakers Alison Wessel and Olivia Glotfelty, who will discuss the development of escape rooms at libraries in Delaware and Pennsylvania. Alison Wessel will describe an escape room developed at the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services Library to promote library services to health department employees. Olivia Glotfelty will discuss an escape room developed as part of the nurse residency program for newly hired graduate level nurses working at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center- Mercy. Both speakers will describe their experiences planning and implementing these escape rooms and how they proved beneficial to their audiences and libraries.
For more information and to register, visit:
Tuesday, Mar 20 (12-1 pm)
Make Your Smartphone A Depository Library (Federal Depository Library Program)
In this webinar, you will learn about a variety of Government apps, including, PubMed mobile, CDC MMWR Express, and FEMA among others. We will explore the mobile apps directory and also take a look at some apps which are not produced by the Federal Government but present Federal Government information.
For more information and to register, visit:
Tuesday, Mar 20 (5-6 pm)
Your State Association Supporting AASL Standards for Your Local Context (American Association of School Librarians)
How are AASL’s Affiliate state organizations supporting school librarians as they implement the National School Library Standards? This rich document requires school librarians to reflect on local conditions, practice, and student learning. While it requires a great deal of self-reflection and a growth mindset, no one has to do this alone. What are state affiliates already doing or planning to do to help their state’s school librarians make a difference for learners using the new AASL Standards? Presenters will feature several affiliates’ plans and on-going activities.
For more information and to register, visit:
Wednesday, Mar 21 (8-9 am)
Block Play: Building a Foundation of Early Learning in the Library (Indiana State Library)
Talk! Sing! Read! Write! Play, especially with blocks! Play is an integral component of the development of young children, which is increasingly reflected in libraries through their design and programming. During this webinar you will learn why block play is so powerful, how staff at Allen County Public Library tackled the challenge of adding more play–specifically block play–to their program offerings, and how to adapt their initiative for libraries big and small.
For more information and to register, visit:
Wednesday, Mar 21 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: Reading Diversely (Nebraska Library Commission)
NLA Diversity Committee members will booktalk diverse titles and share resources for finding more reading to diversify your shelves. Attendees will be encouraged to share titles of diverse literature they have read to create a list for everyone to use.
For more information and to register, visit:
Wednesday, Mar 21 (11-12 pm)
Food for Thought: Exploring Nutrition Information Resources (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
This class is designed to assist librarians, public health workers, health professionals, and the general public in locating authoritative information on nutrition and topics relating to nutrition. Background information on the importance of nutrition information to other health-related topics will be included, and resources for locating nutrition-related statistics and evidence-based practice will also be identified.
For more information and to register, visit:
Wednesday, Mar 21 (12-1 pm)
LGBTQAI+ Books to Share, Conversations to Have (Association for Library Services to Children)
More LGBTQAI+ books are published each year. How should you select, display, share, and use in your library for children of all ages? Titles and suggestions will lead into online conversations. Bring your questions, ideas, and concerns and together we will attempt to resolve them.
For more information and to register, visit:
Wednesday, Mar 21 (12-1:30 pm)
Play Therapy Techniques in Early Childhood Settings: Supporting Social-emotional Learning & Self-regulation (Early Childhood Investigations)
Research has established the negative impact of early adversity on a child’s social and emotional development. Adults who work in early childhood settings are in a unique position to help children overcome early challenges by supporting their acquisition of essential emotional skills and self-regulation capacities through consistent, predictable, nurturing, and positive interactions. In this webinar, by Play Therapist Christian Bellissimo, MSW, LCSW, RPT, LLC, you will learn how to support children’s development through their most natural means for expression: play.
For more information and to register, visit:
Wednesday, Mar 21 (3-4 pm)
Makerspace Successes, Makerspace Challenges (edWeb)
In this edWebinar, Michelle Luhtala, Library Department Chair at New Canaan High School, CT, will explore school library makerspaces from floor plans, furnishings, and equipment to the role of play in a data-driven education landscape. Please join us to discover how to integrate making into your learning community.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (10-11 am)
Making Leadership Happen, at Scale: Combining Collaborative Approaches to Leadership with Emerging Digital Learning Tools (Training Magazine Network)
Today’s interconnected, fast-changing and unstable world demands a new kind of leadership. Instead of putting the entire weight of leadership on individual managers and their capabilities, we need to examine how the whole system is involved in making leadership happen. Along with a system approach to making leadership happen, we need approaches to leadership development that also focus on the collective, not the individual, and that happen at scale.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (10:30-11:30 am)
Study Skills 2: Multi-Sensory Learning and Review (Center on Technology and Disability)
This CTD event is the second of a 3-part series focusing on study skills. Students are often not aware of the most effective ways to review information and deepen their learning. Strategies presented for review and learning will include a look at mnemonics, as well as tools that utilize our various senses. Learning can be enhanced with tools that engage us with information in a multisensory manner, a combination of 2 or more senses such as visual, auditory, vestibular (movement), or tactile (kinesthetic). The presentation will also cover resources for research, homework help, and supplementary learning through online courses.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (11-12 pm)
4 Secrets to Supercharge Your Major Gift Program in 20 Minutes a Day or Less (Bloomerang)
This session is for busy executive directors and development professionals who want to raise significantly more money by making the leap into major gift fundraising, but haven’t had the courage or know-how to get started, or are ready to seriously grow fundraising results. If you want to start or grow your major gifts program, this session is for you. Whether a major gift for your organization is $1,000 or $10,000 or more, you will learn how ask and receive more major gifts this year.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (12-1 pm)
The Newest Graphic Novels: What’s Hot for Spring (School Library Journal)
Join moderator Alea Perez along with a panel of insiders who will share some of the hottest graphic novels hitting the shelves this season. You’ll hear all about upcoming releases from Andrews McMeel Publishing, Diamond Book Distributors, Lion Forge and Oni Press.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (12-1 pm)
Why Fundraising is the F Word to Your Board Members and How to Fix It with Rachel Muir (Firespring)
Few things are more critical to your nonprofits health, success and sustainability than an effective board of directors. Recruiting, building, managing and engaging a leadership team made up solely of volunteers is one of the most ambitious, delicate and daunting responsibilities a CEO or Executive Director will have. If you are ready to transform your D list to an A list come learn tips and tools to get board members willing to engage and share their contacts, gifts and time.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (12-1 pm)
Creating a Comprehensive and Engaging Volunteer Training Program (VolunteerMatch)
This webinar will start with the basics and help you understand how to determine what information you should be sharing with your volunteers, and how that can be used to create a curriculum. We’ll then discuss how to present this information in a variety of ways using different delivery methods that appeal to adult learners. Assessing what your volunteers have learned, and creating ongoing training and professional development training for your volunteers will also be covered.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (12-1 pm)
How to Get Agency Support for Professional Development (GovLoop)
Now that the President has signed the two-year budget deal, agencies are able to start thinking about their training and development programs for their employees. So how do you make sure you get a cut of the training budget?Join GovLoop and NextGen on Thursday, March 22nd at 2pm ET/11am PT, where we will discuss how employees can get the training dollars they want and need in this tough budgetary climate.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (12-1:30 pm)
The Cabinet of Death: Tales of Conservation & Storage from the Mütter Abditory (Connecting to Collections Care)
Using the example of the Mutter Museum, this webinar will cover important information for anyone who oversees a collection that contains human remains, natural history collections, medical models or casts, instrumentation, or chemicals/pharmaceuticals. This webinar will look at the how the Museum has upgraded the storage and preservation of its important and particular collections to meet 21st century standards.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (1-2 pm)
Robots: Our New Helpers or Our New Overlords? (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
While there’s nothing new about automation systems in libraries, recent developments in robotics (including autonomous vehicles, drones, and AI chatbots) are turning the whole notion on its head. How are these trends impacting our society now, and how might they begin affecting libraries? This webinar takes a fun and thought-provoking look at the potential and pitfalls of robots and other automation in delivering public services.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (1:30-2 pm)
Not-Just-Books-Mobile (North Dakota State Library)
Learn different ways to engage bookmobile patrons through programming. Don’t let fear of limited space or lack of staff stop you from providing a well-rounded and unique library experience. Whether your stops are jam-packed or slow-and-steady, we have a variety of adaptable programs to help you expand your patrons’ library experience past the traditional bookmobile services at both your regular stops and special events.
For more information and to register, visit:
Thursday, Mar 22 (3:30-4:30 pm)
In Depth With the New AASL Standards, Part III (Wyoming State Library)
Join Jennisen Lucas, Wyoming School Librarian and AASL Affiliate as she takes us on an in depth tour of the new AASL standards. This month’s installation will be the Shared Foundation “Collaborate” on Thursday, March 2s, 2018 at 3:30 pm. Come for the information, stay to ask questions!
To register, visit: