Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of March 20

Mar 19, 2023

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of March 20 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events on our Training Calendar.

calendar listings

All times MDT

Tuesday, Mar 21 (11-11:45 am)
10 Tips and Tricks for a Successful Grant Seeking Strategy (CharityHowTo)
In this free live nonprofit webinar, we will go through tips and tricks that all grant professionals can use to help implement a successful grant-seeking strategy in their organization.

Tuesday, Mar 21 (11-12 pm)
Sexual and Reproductive Health Information at the Library (iSchool @ UW-Madison)
Curious about the intersection between Sexual and Reproductive Health information and information access? This is the webinar for you! In this webinar, you will learn about Sexual and Reproductive Health as an information access concern and how the library can better provide these resources.

Tuesday, Mar 21 (11-12 pm)
Exhibiting Photographs (Connecting to Collections Care)
In this webinar, we will go over the process of planning and executing the preparation of photographic objects for exhibitions with a focus on collections care issues. We will delve into some of the concerns related to the preservation of photographs on display, and the presenter will share helpful, accessible, and affordable solutions learned through some of the more challenging exhibition projects from the vast and wide-ranging photography collection at the George Eastman Museum.

Tuesday, Mar 21 (12-1 pm)
Doing the Work: Practical Equity-Centered Change Projects by Real Cultural Change Agents (Association of Southeastern Research Libraries)
Equity-centered leaders are visionaries who can identify barriers and create access for others. Join this panel discussion to learn how these leaders created equity-centered practices and processes in their respective organizations.

Tuesday, Mar 21 (12-1 pm)
Critical Project Management Skills Every Employee Needs (GovLoop)
You might not have project manager in your title, but we all have some project management responsibility to our jobs. To be successful, we need to learn some key project management skills – things like communicating clearly, setting, and meeting deadlines, and facilitating productive brainstorms and collaboration. Join us and NextGen online  to learn how to harness critical project management skillsets to advance in your career.

Wednesday, Mar 22 (12-1 pm)
Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning Foster Inclusion, Equity, Diversity, and Accessibility Solutions (IDEAS) in Libraries (Niche Academy)
Libraries have a mission and a commitment to welcome and serve all members of our communities. Communities are synonymous with diversity, and libraries are faced with unprecedented opportunities to lead a framework of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Solutions (IDEAS). In this webinar, Clayton Copeland provides a framework to equip libraries and librarians to make libraries accessible and welcoming for everyone. Participants will learn about the foundations of accessibility and universal design principles in communication, programming, services, and marketing.

Wednesday, Mar 22 (12-1 pm)
UNT’s Trans Accessible Libraries Initiative (Federal Depository Library Program)
Trans Accessible Libraries Initiative for their community and will provide examples of how to apply these efforts to a Federal depository library on a large or small scale.

Wednesday, Mar 22 (1-2 pm)
Creating a Restorative Library Culture (WebJunction)
Broadly defined, restorative justice is an approach to repairing and addressing harm done within a community. Related to this approach, restorative practices provide proactive ways to build the relationships that can help to address and repair some of that harm done. Oak Park Public Library is using restorative practices to better serve both community and staff. In this session, you’ll learn about restorative justice and restorative practices, and how these practices can guide a powerful shift in communities and within an organizational culture. The webinar will have actionable strategies you can start practicing immediately, as well as methods for you to build buy-in from your organization as you get started on this impactful work.

Wednesday, Mar 22 (6:30-7:30 pm)
Addressing Challenges in America’s School Libraries: Managing Challenges with Our School Policies and the Law (American Association of School Librarians)
This evening, FTRF General Counsel Theresa Chmara will provide a review of minors’ rights under the First Amendment. She will also provide examples of how the courts have addressed challenges to materials in schools, including definitions for terms such as obscenity, which frequently is used as the basis for materials challenges. Then Mariela Siegert, a professor at Dominican University and a school librarian, will share the best practices that she uses to prepare students for challenges.

Thursday, Mar 23 (11-12 pm)
Gems for a Winning Capital Campaign (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
Whether you are new to capital campaigns or have experience under your belt, Gems for a Winning Capital Campaign is certain to provide you with fresh and tangible ideas on capital campaign fundraising. This webinar is valuable if you are in a campaign now, planning to start one, or just wanting to build knowledge for a possible campaign down the road. In this webinar, you’ll learn the campaign phases, get a peek at key activities in each phase, and get the top-10 fundamentals of capital campaigns.

Thursday, Mar 23 (11-12 pm)
Info2Go! Let’s Go Outside: Self-Care in the Great Outdoors (Idaho Commission for Libraries)
Nature is an amazing, free resource for self-care. Spending time in natural environments can help us feel restored and make us healthier, more creative, more empathetic, and more able to engage with the world and with each other. Join us for this informative webinar to learn about different ways you can engage with nature for your own self-care practice.

Thursday, Mar 23 (12-1 pm)
Introduction To Fundraising Planning (Candid Learning)
Does your organization need help directing its fundraising efforts? Planning focuses your organization by setting fundraising priorities and helps give staff and board members a roadmap to success.

Thursday, Mar 23 (12-1 pm)
The 1950 Census (Federal Depository Library Program)
Federal decennial population census records provide a snapshot of families and individuals at 10-year intervals. The most recent publicly available census, 1950, was released for public use on April 1, 2022. This presentation provides an overview of what is and is not included in the 1950 census, what you can expect from NARA’s 1950 census website, and resources that can help librarians answer patron questions about the census.

Thursday, Mar 23 (12-1 pm)
Sharing Our Stories to Support Health & Wellness in Rural Communities (University of Oklahoma)
Small and rural public libraries work with diverse partners to address a growing crisis – health and wellness in their communities. The pandemic made this crisis even more visible and acute. We invite you to join us in this interactive session on March 23, 2023. We will share what we learned in an IMLS-funded project that focused on health and wellness work by 17 small and rural public libraries in four states. We invite you to share your stories, ideas, and questions or concerns! How are small and rural public libraries working to support health and wellness in their communities? This is an opportunity to cultivate new connections that will help you: Identify resources, learn how to develop effective and creative partnerships and programs, build the capacity of your library, and expand technology use.

Thursday, Mar 23 (12-1:30 pm)
Cybersecurity Tips for Performing Arts Organizations (Lyrasis)
Performing Arts Organizations are at risk of losing funding, audiences, and information due to cybersecurity vulnerabilities. We all know we should use good passwords, keep software updated, and follow other basic precautions online; however, understanding the reasons behind these rules is critical to help us convince ourselves and others that the extra work is indeed worth it. This session will cover securing your data, network, website, and computers. It will address security myths, passwords, tracking, malware, and will cover a range of tools and techniques, making this session ideal for small to mid-sized organizations.

Thursday, Mar 23 (12-1:30 pm)
Planning for Community Development (US Census Bureau)
This workshop will demonstrate through hands-on exercises on how to access data using the Census Bureau tools for short and long-term Community planning. These tools allow data users to analyze local population, workforce growth, commuting patterns, and local housing. The workshop provides users with an opportunity to access a variety of data pertinent to understanding their community’s demographic, social and economic well-being.

Friday, Mar 24 (9-10 am)
30-Day DEI Jumpstart (Training Magazine Network)
Have your DEI efforts lost momentum? Reignite them with Nova’s 30-Day DEI Jumpstart: A four-week guide to kick off your organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. The guide provides content, resources, and discussion questions wrapped around weekly themes to activate your teams for maximum impact.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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