Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of May 15

May 14, 2023

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of May 15 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events on our Training Calendar.

calendar listings

All times MDT

Online conferences

Thursday, May 18 (7-4 pm)
School Library Journal Day of Dialog 2023 Spring (School Library Journal)
Join us May 18 for SLJ Day of Dialog, the most anticipated librarian gathering of the spring 2023 publishing season—fully virtual and free to attend! Our daylong program of author panels, in-depth conversations, and keynote talks will leave you informed, inspired, and entertained. Come hear about the hottest forthcoming titles for children, tweens, and teens, from nonfiction and romance to picture books and graphic novels. You can also visit the virtual exhibit hall to network with leading publishers, enjoy intimate author chats, and download digital galleys and other free resources.


Monday, May 15 (3-4 pm)
Choosing Reading Tools  to Match Reading Material (PACER)
Reading materials are available in wide array of formats, such as websites, emails, PDF documents, magazines, books, and more. Reading can be challenging for those with a learning disability or visual impairment. This presentation will highlight which supportive tools are best for a particular format. Tools presented will include text-to-speech software and items that change visual appearance to better assist reading.

Tuesday, May 16 (11-12 pm)
Orientation to Law Library Collections Webinar (Law Library of Congress)
This webinar is an online version of the one-hour onsite orientations taught by legal reference librarians from the Law Library of Congress, and will cover digital resources available through the Law Library’s website as well as those available onsite.

Tuesday, May 16 (12-1 pm)
Page-Turning Picture Books (Booklist)
Springtime is upon us and with the incoming warmer weather also comes new and exciting picture books! Join us for a free one-hour webinar to hear about some phenomenal new picture books.

Tuesday, May 16 (12-1 pm)
Responding to User Interests with Government Information: One FDL’s Approach (Federal Depository Library Program)
In this webinar, participants will learn about one depository’s approach to integrating Government information into routine library outreach and instruction. Participants will develop strategies for identifying their user community’s interests and responding with Government information. The webinar will be interactive and discussion-oriented.

Tuesday, May 16 (12-1 pm)
Mobile Marketing Tips for Every Generation (Firespring)
Mobile marketing is a key component of any comprehensive marketing strategy. And optimizing your website for all devices and screens is crucial for staying relevant with today’s audiences, especially millennials and Gen Xers, but even the more tech-savvy baby boomers. And if you don’t keep up you’ll lag behind, losing online visitors, donors and, ultimately, donations.

Tuesday, May 16 (12-1 pm)
Crash Course in Fantasy (Novelist)
Do you have a go-to readers’ advisory strategy for helping readers of Fantasy? Whether your readers are fans of academies of magic or swords and sorcery, let NoveList and LibraryReads break down the best fantasy has to offer your readers — from hidden heritage to vengeance is mine.

Tuesday, May 16 (3-4 pm)
Continuity and Change: Considering Our 4 Cs (Follett)
In this webinar, our seasoned and award-winning school librarian, Fran Glick, will explore the elements of our professional practice as we reflect on the ways in which we currently build connections, communicate, and foster culture. We will consider new opportunities and collaborators that ensure that school libraries remain the heart of the school. We will explore examples to inspire growth in the ways in which we tell the story of our programs and practices. And, we will consider the courage it takes to refine our practice and the values that keep us in a growth mindset in service to our students and communities.

Wednesday, May 17 (8-9 am)
What Candidates Want: Revamping your Recruitment (Indiana State Library)
Retention starts with recruitment; If we want to create a more resilient, diverse workforce, we must start by improving our recruitment processes. This webinar will cover practical steps libraries can take to attract a wide pool of diverse candidates. Drawing from the stories of current job hunters, we’ll look at how to avoid some of the more hair-raising practices. Then we’ll explore the foundations of a well-considered recruitment strategy, delving into current research as well as techniques from programs such as Oregon State University’s Search Advocates.

Wednesday, May 17 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: Read the Rainbow: Serving the LGBTQ+ Community in Your Library (Nebraska Library Commission)
LGBTQIA…BCDEFG? What do all those letters even mean, and why should you care? Join Lane for a primer on all things LGBTQ, and learn about how (and why) you can begin to build a more inclusive and welcoming library for both customers and staff, and why it matters.

Wednesday, May 17 (11-12 pm)
Role of Rural Libraries in Promoting Digital Health Literacy (Colorado State Library)
People in rural areas face many health challenges and are often long distances from quality healthcare. Learn how a rural library partnered with healthcare providers to launch a telehealth program, utilize a Community Health Worker, lead disaster response efforts, and provide digital health literacy training.

Wednesday, May 17 (12-1 pm)
Disability Accommodations in Libraries (Niche Academy)
Join JJ Pionke to learn about the disability accommodation process in libraries. JJ will cover the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), how the accommodations process works, as well as issues surrounding the process. This is a general introduction to the topic and will be useful for both people looking to request accommodations as well as administrators/supervisors/managers who are curious about the process.

Wednesday, May 17 (1-2 pm)
Introduction to project budgets (Candid Learning)
Are you ready to start fundraising for your project or idea, but don’t know what and how much to ask for? If preparing a budget for your foundation grant is holding you back, come learn the basic elements of how to draft a project budget with confidence.

Thursday, May 18 (9-10 am)
Port in the Storm: How you can support LGBTQ+ youth (Indiana State Library)
Our LGBTQIA+ youth are increasingly under attack and subjected to constant bullying. Participants will learn how to easily identify themselves as an ally: a port in the storm. Participants will also receive resources and advice on how to navigate the troubled waters with these formative young people. Bring your questions, concerns, and your fears as we engage in meaningful dialogue so we can better support our LGBTQIA+ youth and provide shelter in the storm.

Thursday, May 18 (11-12 pm)
Directors’ and Officers’ Liability (Charity Village)
Nonprofit organizations have a board of directors who are responsible for overseeing their business activities. When something goes wrong, board members and other officers may be held personally responsible and their resignation may not be enough! join us for a free webinar to learn about directors’ and officers’ liability coverage, why you need it, and what the claims process looks like.

Thursday, May 18 (12-1 pm)
Secrets of the Super Searchers II – Statistics (Rescheduled) (Federal Depository Library Program)
Jump start your Federal Government information reference skills about all things statistics! Join Super Searcher Susanne Caro, long-time Government Information Librarian and former regional depository librarian at North Dakota State University, The Libraries, who just recently became the depository coordinator at the New Mexico State Library. She will show you her search strategies to answer the toughest Federal Government information statistics reference questions, from all sources.

Thursday, May 18 (12-1 pm)
15 Minutes to Mastery: Discover Spanish Forms within Gale LegalForms (Gale)
Gale LegalForms provides your community with up to date legal, business, and personal forms as well as supplemental articles and dictionary of terms. Within this valuable resource are native Spanish language documents to support a wider range of patron needs. Join this 15 minute session to explore how to uncover and utilize this Spanish content.

Thursday, May 18 (12-1:30 pm)
Inclusive Sensory-Rich Nature Play for Children’s 7 Senses (Early Childhood Investigations)
This inspiring session will provide in-depth insights about children’s seven senses (there’s not just five!) and how they influence play, learning, and connection. We’ll cover why children need sensory-rich nature play and learning environments, and how we can tailor the sensory experiences of these environments to the individual needs of children, particularly neurodiverse children. By creating sensory-supportive nature-based places for children, ones they experience daily, we are better able to nurture our young in a way they can realize their true, full potential.

Thursday, May 18 (1-2:30 pm)
Library Safety and Security: A Holistic Approach (WebJunction)
This session will present a holistic approach for creating safe environments through strong community relationships, inclusive policies, and empowered staff. Using a trauma-informed, human-centered lens, we’ll explore strategies to create a library where staff possess the skills, and feel prepared, to manage what comes through the doors.

Thursday, May 18 (5-5:45 pm)
Third Thursdays Trustee Topics: Conversations For and About Libraries (Washington State Library)
Join Washington State Librarian Sara Jones for this new discussion space.  Trustee Topics are for everyone who works in, cares for, and values libraries.  Each month Sara will host a guest and spark a conversation about topics relevant to today’s libraries.  No power points, just good conversations. The inaugural session is May 18 with (amazingly important guest here) and a conversation about (amazing conversation topic here).

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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