Free, online, continuing education events for the week of May 6 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MDT
Monday, May 6 (8-9 am)
Teaching iPad and iPhone to Seniors (Indiana State Library)
Seniors are highly motivated to learn to use devices, but have few opportunities to attend classes that address their needs to use. Most are unaware of how these devices can connect them to the free library services of Hoopla, Freegal, Libby (Overdrive) and their local online catalogs. This presentation will include an outline of what can be taught in five 90-minute classes. Highlighted will be the 20 apps every senior needs to know and practical advice on such topics as: Offering classes outside of the library, fee-based classes and limiting class sizes.
Tuesday, May 7 (10-11 am)
Reading Life Between the Lines: Using Children’s & Young Adult Literature to Have Tough Conversations about Diversity (Washington State Library)
This workshop will teach teachers, librarians, school boards, administrators and youth leaders strategies for using Children’s & Young Adult Literature with readers of any age to engage with questions of identity and difference and will help participants increase their cultural competence for working with young people in educational or recreational settings.
Tuesday, May 7 (11-12 pm)
How to Use Mobile Messaging to Grow Your Nonprofit and Boost Fundraising (Nonprofit Tech for Good)
With 96% of all Americans owning mobile devices, and 81% of U.S. adults owning smartphones, it’s imperative that nonprofits adapt to meet donors where they are and how they communicate. This webinar will delve into how nonprofits can harness the power of mobile messaging in order to better engage their audience and raise more money for their cause.
Tuesday, May 7 (12-1 pm)
The 2 Generation Approach to Eliminating Poverty (Colorado State Library)
What is the 2Gen approach? You’re probably already doing it! The 2Gen approach is a method that helps families escape the cycle of poverty by intentionally serving children and their parents or adult caregivers together. Join us to brainstorm about how to support all members of the family and learn new ways to fight poverty in your community through library programs and services.
Tuesday, May 7 (12-1 pm)
All Things YA (Booklist)
Whether you’re looking to add more books to your summer reading list or your tbr pile is getting a little thin, Booklist has you covered for all things YA this season! Hear from Page Street Kids and Sourcebooks as they chat about an array of YA titles, including spring and summer highlights and forthcoming books! Panelists will be joined by a young adult librarian to discuss readers’ advisory tips and book talking tricks.
Tuesday, May 7 (12-1 pm)
Effectively Combining Virtual and In-Person Learning (Insync Training)
When done well, blending virtual and in-person delivery has the potential to enhance accessibility and depth of understanding. Done poorly, it can undermine effective learning. In this Virtually There session, Rebecca will look to three recent case studies from her practice – examples drawn from urban policy making, rural community engagement and a post-secondary professional learning context–to explore this concept.
Tuesday, May 7 (12-1 pm)
Libraries Connecting You to Coverage: Health Literacy (Public Library Association)
This free webinar will help public library staff better understand the importance of health literacy, how to promote accurate health information and resources, and how to develop community partnerships to broaden the scope of a healthy community.
Tuesday, May 7 (1-2 pm)
Start a Monthly Donor Program NOW. 7 Reasons why you can’t afford to wait! (CharityHowTo)
If you’re hesitant or unsure about monthly donors, this FREE interactive webinar will answer the questions you, your boss or board may still have about the value of adding a monthly donor program to your revenue stream.
Tuesday, May 7 (3-4 pm)
Many Faces of Collaboration (School Library Connection)
Are you eager to collaborate with more teachers in your school but need some ideas on how to start? Have you touted the benefits of collaboration and found your colleagues are still reluctant to partner with you? Then join us for this hour packed with ready-to-implement ideas and encouragement! Paige Jaeger and Bridget Crossman will discuss tried-and-true strategies, from covert operations to global initiatives, to connect with teachers and others in your community to increase student learning.
Tuesday, May 7 (3:30-4 pm)
Life Hacks with OneNote: Organize, Collaborate and Share (Technology and Innovation in Education)
Microsoft OneNote provides a unique space that allows you to keep track of your notes and content, share that content with learners and collaborate with colleagues. This session will give you a quick introduction to ways you can utilize OneNote to hack your digital spaces.
Tuesday, May 7 (4-5 pm)
Veterans History Project (Library of Congress)
Meeting number (access code): 909 441 731
Meeting password: WYVeterans1!
The Veterans History Project, led by the Library of Congress, collects and preserves the recollections of America’s veterans from World War I to present. By recording interviews with veterans and curating their memoirs, photographs, letters and other historical documents, the Veterans History Project captures their important contributions and commemorates their valor. It is a meaningful way to share a veteran’s story. Kerry Ward, will be hosting this virtual training workshop and will explain the guidelines for preparing and compiling the oral histories. To learn more about the project before the training go to . It is open to everyone.
Tuesday, May 7 (5-6 pm)
Collaborate with Content Areas for Deeper Learning (American Association of School Librarians)
This webinar will focus on creating collaborations between the school library and content teachers in an effort to create lessons and units that foster critical thinking. Layering standards from content areas with national standards from AASL, ISTE and Future Ready librarianship creates in depth and substantial lessons for critical thinking and growth. Utilizing resources such as the AASL app and the AASL Crosswalk sets, this webinar will identify ways that school librarians can work with subject area teachers on lessons that prepare students for 21st century learning.
Wednesday, May 8 (9-10 am)
Eye Health Across A Lifespan (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Eye health is important as it is often undetected by parents and doctors as young children do not know the difference between clear and blurry vision and in most cases, children do not experience pain nor can they differentiate good or bad vision as they were born with the vision they have. Participants of this session will get a quick look at how important eye health is from infancy to the elderly. We will discuss topics which may affect all ages and cover issues which may have no symptoms.
Wednesday, May 8 (9-10 am)
NCompass Live: Small Libraries Can Run Code Clubs for Kids (Nebraska Library Commission)
Running a code club at your library can be really intimidating – especially if you don’t know how to code! Prenda has helped hundreds of small libraries start and run thriving code clubs where kids are learning how to make websites, video games, apps, and animations using the resources you probably already have! And as a special treat, we’ll hear from Jeannie Mejstrik who is has been running an incredible club since 2017 at O’Neill (NE) Public Library, where their population is under 5,000.
Wednesday, May 8 (9-1 pm)
Fundraise Like Netflix: Engaging Donors in a Subscription-Driven World (Network for Good)
Our upcoming event, Fundraise Like Netflix: Engaging Donors in a Subscription-Driven World, will focus on the changing charitable giving environment, how it’s being impacted by technology, and what nonprofits can do to harness these changes. Join us as we bring together nonprofit influencers and leaders looking to scale their organizations through technology, automation, and best practices.
Wednesday, May 8 (11:30-12:30 pm)
Get Your Board to Help You Fundraise—Even if They Don’t Wanna! (Firespring)
If you are a nonprofit, you have a board. And that board, believe it or not, SHOULD be a fundraising machine. If your board-supported fundraising machine looks more like your college clunker than a luxury sedan, this webinar’s for you.
Wednesday, May 8 (12-1 pm)
From Silo to Hub: Seizing Opportunities to Drive Change (Georgia Library Association)
In 2016, the De Paul Library at the University of Saint Mary won the Steelcase Education Active Learning Center Grant, building on a librarian-driven change movement for the overall library space and vision. Focusing on building connections to the overall learning environment on campus, librarians partnered with faculty to develop active learning resources, training opportunities, and a circulating technology collection. This year, the university reorganized several student support functions under the umbrella of the Keleher Learning Commons, building on the library’s goals toward holistic support for student success. This session will share lessons learned while undergoing major transitions in the vision of the library on campus and navigating physical and organizational changes, as well as early impacts and outcomes.
Wednesday, May 8 (12-1 pm)
Stay Mentally Alert: Government Resources For Good Mental Health (Federal Depository Library Program)
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 26.2% of American adults suffer mental illness. This webinar will offer information on where to find resources on mental health including the National Institute of Mental Health, PubMed, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Information on how to help patrons who may have mental health issues will also be presented. Resources in other languages about mental health will be included.
Wednesday, May 8 (12-1 pm)
Government Insights: Crafting a Customer Experience Strategy (GovLoop)
Citizens are government’s most important responsibility, and when it comes to serving them, agencies need a comprehensive, constituent-focused strategy. But what specific elements should you take into account when creating a customer experience (CX) strategy at your agency? Government CX experts will discuss best practices and the newest innovations in the field, so get ready to take notes and ask questions.
Wednesday, May 8 (12-1:30 pm)
The Power of Language: Nourishing Development of the Whole Child (Early Childhood Investigations)
This insightful webinar, presented by Dr. David Dickinson, Cowan Chair of Education and Associate Dean for Research at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, will describe the amazing role of language in supporting children’s emotional, social, intellectual and literacy development. Research findings from multiple fields will be discussed and illustrated with brief video clips that make those findings tangible.
Thursday, May 9 (11-12 pm)
Assessing Intercultural Competence (Charity Village)
This webinar will be of interest to all nonprofit professionals, but may be especially useful to CEOs, Executive Directors, and HR managers who are focusing on initiatives around diversity, inclusion, or cultural competence.
Thursday, May 9 (11-12 pm)
Telling Your Story Through Blogs, Photos and Videos (IdealWare)
How do you convey the great work your organization is doing with blogs, photos and videos? These tools are powerful ways to share the difference you’re making in the world. We’ll cover the principles of good storytelling, look at examples and research about what’s working for nonprofits, and then discuss the tools that can help you put them online.
Thursday, May 9 (12-1 pm)
Telling the Story of Volunteer Impact (VolunteerMatch)
You want to share the impact volunteers have in your organization and in the community, but often the information you track doesn’t help you tell that story. This webinar will help you move past number of volunteers and number of hours and start telling the real story. You’ll learn about information gathering and the key components to good storytelling, how to evaluate your current measurements and how to build support for a more thorough measurement and evaluation program, and how to engage other staff – paid and volunteer – in this work. You’ll also receive a worksheet to help you begin to tell the story of volunteer impact in your organization.
Thursday, May 9 (12-1 pm)
Organizational Evolution: Managing Change When There Are Humans Involved (Bloomerang)
It’s often very easy to recognize when an organization needs to change, but it’s a lot harder to make it happen! Legacy staff and volunteers, “we’ve always done it this way” perspectives, and plain old inertia can put many frustrating road blocks in your way. There are ways, however, for the persistent and patient to guide the change process and help an organization evolve. Using real world examples, we’ll discuss the stages of organizational growth, personality archetypes you may encounter, and strategies to build momentum toward change.
Thursday, May 9 (12-1 pm)
The 2019 State of Grantseeking Benchmarks and Trends (TechSoup)
This webinar will reflect just-published information on grants, grantseeking, and trends. It will assist you in planning for 2019 – 2020 and in managing the expectations of your stakeholders — board members, donors, and the community at large. It will serve as a valuable tool for organizations to review their grantseeking efforts, report on performance, and plan for the future.
Thursday, May 9 (12-1 pm)
How to Cultivate Social and Emotional Learning With Computational Thinking (Education Week)
In this webinar, Jeff Meyer, Director of Education for, will: Demystify computational thinking and the mindset it encourages; Illustrate the connections between computational thinking and social and emotional learning; Share ideas to foster the connection between developing social and emotional learners and computational thinking; Provide resources to start teaching computational thinking in ways that support social and emotional learning.
Thursday, May 9 (12-1:30 pm)
An Introduction to Herbaria and Herbarium Practices (Connecting to Collections Care)
This webinar will provide an overview on herbarium collections. This includes covering the broad range of taxonomic organisms that may be housed in a traditional herbarium and what some of the storage options are for their many forms. Some basic schemes of organization and what a taxonomic revision means for collections will be discussed. We will briefly touch upon assessing material for incoming accessions and basic permitting guidelines. A list of some of the critical resources for understanding and maintaining these collections will be provided and gone over, and digitization will be touched on briefly.
Thursday, May 9 (1-2:30 pm)
Get the Lib Tech Lowdown: Conference Reports from 2019 TCEA, SXSWEdu, and SXSW Interactive (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Every February and March, the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) Convention and the South by Southwest (SXSW) Education and Interactive festivals showcase multiple days of compelling panel sessions led by the brightest minds in education, innovation, and emerging technologies. Join TSLAC staffers Liz Philippi and Henry Stokes as they report on all the amazing sessions and things they learned as well as the major themes that emerged and its relevance for schools and libraries.
Thursday, May 9 (6-7 pm)
Be Bold at #ISTE19: Get the Most Out of Your ISTE Experience (Follett)
Plan your conference time with the help of two educators and seasoned ISTE veterans, Shannon McClintock Miller and Bill Bass.
Friday, May 10 (11:45-12:45 pm)
Live Streaming Event with Veronica Roth (School Library Journal)
Join Veronica Roth LIVE as she returns to her middle school alma mater to talk with current students about her path to becoming a published author, the process of active brainstorming, and how to tap into the creativity within us all.