Free, online, continuing education events for the week of November 14 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MST
Monday, Nov 14 (11-12 pm)
Improve Workplace Culture by Dealing with Ambiguity (Fast Forward Libraries)
Ambiguity in the workplace is often one of most significant causes of anxiety, conflict, and an unproductive environment. Particularly throughout the pandemic, with fast-shifting circumstances and ever-changing procedures, ambiguity was an ever-present condition that was certainly a factor in many of the challenges during this period. Join us as we dissect the nature of ambiguity in the workplace and tactics to manage this common but detrimental phenomenon.
Monday, Nov 14 (12-1 pm)
The Effectiveness and Durability of Digital Preservation and Curation Systems (Association of Southeastern Research Libraries)
With funding from the Institute of Library and Museum Services (IMLS), Ithaka S+R launched an extensive research project to examine and assess the sustainability of digital preservation and curation systems used by heritage organizations to maintain curated digital objects and ensure their authenticity, accuracy, and usability over time. Schonfeld and Rieger will share a high-level overview of key findings about the changing preservation landscape and business strategies of digital preservation system providers and include plenty of time for questions.
Tuesday, Nov 15 (10-11 am)
Centering Community with Artificial Intelligence (Nonprofit Learning Lab)
We have AI-driven products around us. We are heading towards a future where embracing this technology will be the normal. So how do we, then, ensure that it centers community in the core? In this session, we will talk about those not-so-subtle points we must know and remember for the human-centric AI our nonprofit industry deserves. We will also hold space to brainstorm on some common questions when we start with AI.
Tuesday, Nov 15 (11-12 pm)
The Power of Onboarding: Best Practices For Your Day One Strategy (Training Industry)
What does “day one” look like at your organization? If your onboarding experience is less than optimal it can delay productivity and add to the risk of needing to replace new hires. How can you create a great onboarding experience that will add momentum to talent engagement? Don’t miss this engaging discussion on how to build an onboarding experience that boosts employee motivation, productivity and retention in your organization.
Tuesday, Nov 15 (12-1 pm)
Suicide Prevention for Veterans, Service Members, Families and Communities (WebJunction)
Libraries are well positioned to provide information and referral services to connect Veterans and members of military communities with Veterans Health Administration programs and initiatives that address risks and protective factors for suicidal behaviors. Join us for this webinar with presenters from the Veterans Health Administration Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, who will provide an introduction to military culture and share how libraries can help raise awareness of the resources available to Veterans, their families, and other members of military communities.
Tuesday, Nov 15 (1-1:45 pm)
How to Conduct Board Recruitment in 3 Easy Steps (CharityHowTo)
In this 45-minute interactive nonprofit webinar, you will learn how to conduct board recruitment in 3 easy steps.
Tuesday, Nov 15 (1-2 pm)
From Hobbit to Habit: Using Existing Narratives to Drive Continued Engagement (Training Magazine Network)
Humans have evolved to learn through stories. Are you stuck on where to start with telling a story that can drive your content? Look no further than the last movie you watched or novel that you read! What made that story successful? What did you remember? This session will describe how to utilize existing narratives to drive learning journeys. Attend to learn how to identify an appropriate story to adapt based on content, learning outcomes, and your intended audience. We will workshop this concept with participants to further describe how these existing narratives can help to identify opportunities for learner engagement.
Tuesday, Nov 15 (3-4 pm)
Libraries Are a Worthy Cause: Defend YOUR Library with Advocacy Strategies the Work (Montana State Library)
Promoting and defending libraries and intellectual freedom has never been more important. People often lack confidence in their ability to advocate although it is a skill everyone can develop. In this webinar we’ll explore and practice techniques, as well as creating a list of possible supporters.
Tuesday, Nov 15 (3:30-4:30 pm)
Introduction to Fundraising Planning (Candid Learning)
Does your organization need help directing its fundraising efforts? Planning focuses your organization by setting fundraising priorities and helps give staff and board members a roadmap to success.
Wednesday, Nov 16 (12-1 pm)
ESL Conversation Groups: Up Close and Personal (Niche Academy)
English as a Second Language (ESL) conversation groups can be a valuable addition to your library’s programming calendar. These sessions provide an opportunity for non-native speakers to practice listening and speaking skills in a safe and welcoming environment. They may be offered with a minimal investment of time and resources, and attendance is virtually unlimited. Hosting conversation groups does not require a high degree of subject area knowledge or formal teaching experience. Join Claudia Ratay to learn more about hosting an ESL conversation group.
Wednesday, Nov 16 (12-1 pm)
Top Five End-of-the-Year Fundraising “Must-Dos” (Nonprofit Hub)
Tying up loose ends on your organization’s EOY fundraising campaign? Don’t forget these top five “must-dos” to finish the year strong. Join Nonprofit Hub, Bonterra, and Devine & Parker Consulting for simple, yet effective tactics that will wow your donors, impress your board, and set up your organization for success in 2023.
Wednesday, Nov 16 (2-3 pm)
3rd Annual Digital Learning App Smash for Future Ready Librarians® (All4Ed/Future Ready Librarians)
During this 3rd annual fast-paced and fun event, twenty-five Future Ready Librarians share twenty-five digital tools and how they use them with their students to create amazing experiences in face-to-face, virtual and blended learning.
Wednesday, Nov 16 (5-6 pm)
AASL Town Hall: Transforming Gratitude and Narrative into Advocacy (American Association of School Librarians)
November is a great time for giving thanks and sharing stories. During these challenging times, it’s important that we collect and share positive narratives of the impact of school libraries on our students and recognize our gratitude for school library supporters. At 6:00 p.m. Central on Wednesday, November 16, join AASL President Kathy Lester and AASL member panelists in a discussion about turning our gratitude and positive narratives into advocacy for our students and our profession.
Thursday, Nov 17 (11-12 pm)
Are You Stewarding Responsibly? | The Art of Managing, Rather Than Mitigating, Risk (Blackbaud)
Just as practitioners seek to dismantle structural racism, grants management professionals have a role to break down barriers we erected to “protect” foundation resources. PEAK Grantmaking advances five Principles that guide their work with the philanthropic sector. One of their principles, Steward Responsively, urges funders to reframe how they see and respond to risk- acknowledging the power dynamic and where funders can be empowered to manage-rather than mitigate or eliminate- risk. In this live online event, PEAK Grantmaking President and CEO, Satonya Fair, will build on her recent article, The Myth of Risk: How to make good on the promise of “big bets” in philanthropy, and will advance PEAK’s call to action that “the biggest risk that funders face is not doing enough.”
Thursday, Nov 17 (11-12 pm)
The Fundamentals of Email Marketing for Nonprofits (Charity Village)
Join Samantha Lego (Marketing Director at Keela) and Elsie Coffey (Director of Customer Care at Keela) as they dive into the wonderful world of email marketing for nonprofits. You’ll learn how to craft engaging subject lines and copy to boost your email open and conversion rates so that you can raise more money. They’ll also show you how you can send the right emails at the right time to the right donors using automated workflows. Finally, they’ll walk you through key email metrics so you can understand how to evaluate your email campaign performance.
Thursday, Nov 17 (11:30-12:30 pm)
ACRL Presents – Libraries and Learning Analytics: The Future is Now (Association of College & Research Libraries)
This workshop is a continuation of the November 2021 ACRL ULS webinar, “Libraries and Learning Analytics: Facts, False Choices, and Future Forays“, and is designed to help librarians take the next step in learning analytics preparedness by guiding them through a series of activities designed to support them in thinking through decisions, data, and conversations necessary for ethical, effective, and engaging learning analytics work at their institutions.
Thursday, Nov 17 (12-1 pm)
Explore Enhancements to Gale’s ChiltonLibrary (Gale)
Gale’s ChiltonLibrary provides car enthusiasts, students, and mechanics with access to maintenance and repair information (including a video library), labor estimating, and ASE test prep questions. Join this session to review the newly released enhancements including an updated and intuitive platform, VIN searching capabilities, and a Recent Vehicles option to easily navigate back to previous searches.
Thursday, Nov 17 (12-1 pm)
Ramp Up Your Stewardship Program, BEFORE All Those Year End Gifts Arrive (Bloomerang)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a discussion on the importance of donor retention and learn simple, actionable steps that you can take to improve the stewardship program at your organization.
Thursday, Nov 17 (12-1 pm)
Rural Health Resources (Network of the National Library of Medicine)
Evidence shows that there are marked health disparities between those living in rural areas versus their urban counterparts. Not only do rural residents suffer from higher incidence of chronic illness, they also have limited access to primary care services and are more likely to be uninsured or under-insured. This webinar will describe hallmarks of rural America, identify access challenges of living in rural communities, and equip participants with tools to service the health information needs of those living in rural communities.
Thursday, Nov 17 (3-4 pm)
Persevering in the Face of Book Challenges (Booklist)
The increase in book challenges at school and public libraries has left many library workers stunned, weary, and worried about what comes next. But our important work must continue! Join our panel of boots-on-the-ground library workers including Cindy Hohl, Director of Branch Operations at Kansas City Public Library; Olathe East High School Librarian Shelly McNerney; and Gavin Downing, Kent School District librarian and winner of the Candace Morgan Intellectual Freedom Award, for a frank and inclusive conversation about how we press on to do the best for our patrons and communities, for intellectual freedom, and for ourselves in these difficult circumstances.
Friday, Nov 18 (12-1 pm)
The Reluctant Leader: Conquering stereotypes, imposter syndrome and rising to new heights (Association of Southeastern Research Libraries)
Stereotypes of gender, race, and culture often prevent BIPOC employees from rising to positions of leadership. Alanna and Elaina will explore the role of their upbringing as BIPOC women, their intersectional identities, and their reluctance of, and eventual taking on of leadership roles. Insight and advice will be offered to other hesitant leaders and/or those who may not see themselves as leaders at all.
Saturday, Nov 19 (9-11 am)
Future Ready Librarians® November Summit (All4Ed/Future Ready Librarians)
Connection Development: Building Your Collaborations and Partnerships: This summit will give you a chance to pose questions and share ideas with other librarians and library leaders. Learn and interact with both administrators and librarians about lessons learned and best practices.