Free, online, continuing education events for the week of November 16 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at
All times MST
Monday, Nov 16 (10-11 am)
Evaluating Information during COVID-19: Preprints, retractions, rumors and more (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
In the midst of a global pandemic, every person has to balance the “need for speed” with the risks of moving too fast. Healthcare providers seek reliable information about treatments while making immediate life-or-death decisions. Researchers investigate biological mechanisms and interventions to combat COVID-19 and share their findings as quickly and responsibly as possible. And each of us wades through the flood of headlines and rumors for answers that will keep us safe. Looking at the case of hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19, we will explore the risks and rewards of different forms of information, from published articles to tweets.
Monday, Nov 16 (11-12 pm)
Level Up: Increased Community Engagement Through Moves Management (Fast Forward Libraries)
Ready for new strategies to reach underserved communities? Want to convert non-users into your biggest fans? Community engagement is more than outreach, communication, and social media – it’s a framework to coordinate your library’s efforts to reach more people and increase usage. Join this free webinar to learn how to move people up the engagement chain by using innovative tactics borrowed from philanthropy, political campaigns, and big data. You’ll learn how to cultivate new audiences and deepen relationships to maximize your library’s impact. Recommended audience: Public library leaders and library staff interested in community engagement
Monday, Nov 16 (12:30-1:30 pm)
Self-Care During a Pandemic, Part 2 (Idaho Commission for Libraries)
Karina Hagelin (they/them), an artist, community organizer, and librarian from New York with expertise in creating trauma-informed libraries, will be leading this Info2Go! session. They will draw upon their professional expertise within librarianship and their personal experiences as a disabled and chronically ill queer femme survivor to discuss concrete and accessible self-care strategies and skills, describe the importance, role, and application of community care, and identify ways in which trauma-informed librarianship can teach us how to sustainably support ourselves and each other.
Monday, Nov 16 (5-6 pm)
Your State School Librarian Association Matters: A Conversation about Cultivating, Engaging, and Retaining Members (American Association of School Librarians)
How can state professional associations continue to be relevant and necessary to current and potential members? By focusing on engagement through new approaches to member benefits, associations can revitalize and reinvigorate their organization and the membership they serve. In this session, participants will hear and respond to the process one state organization used to acknowledge the voice of its membership by gathering data that supported strategic planning and meaningful organizational change.
Monday, Nov 16 (5:30-7:30 pm)
What Inclusion Means for My Child (Pacer Center)
Parents of children with disabilities ages 3 to 5 will receive an introduction to Least Restrictive Environment and the principles of inclusion. They will then listen to a panel of parents discuss their experiences with preschool inclusion. Registration will close at 9 a.m. on November 16. Webinar access information will be emailed prior to the event.
Tuesday, Nov 17 (9-10 am)
Orientation to Law Library Collections Webinar (Law Library of Congress)
This webinar is an online version of the one-hour on-site orientations taught by legal reference librarians from the Law Library of Congress, and will cover digital resources available through the Law Library’s website as well as those available on-site.
Tuesday, Nov 17 (9-10 am)
Libraries and sustainability: A global perspective (OCLC)
Join IFLA President-Elect and OCLC Board Member Barbara Lison and elected OCLC Global Council library leaders from four continents to learn how they are thinking about and using the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to establish library strategies and make a difference in their communities. This session includes an active discussion and opportunities for all attendees to participate.
Tuesday, Nov 17 (12-1 pm)
NNLM Reading Club Presents…Bill Sullivan, PhD, author of Pleased to Meet Me (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
Join author Dr. Bill Sullivan, professor of pharmacology and microbiology at the Indiana University School of Medicine, as he discusses his book: Pleased to Meet Me: Genes, Germs, and the Curious Forces That Make Us Who We Are.
Tuesday, Nov 17 (12-1 pm)
Smart Scheduling and Planning in Youth Services Part 1: Managing Your Own Schedule (Association for Library Service to Children)
This is Part One of a two-part Smart Planning in Youth Services webinar series brought to you by the ALSC Managing Children’s Services Committee. Being a manager involves tackling many projects at once, while new challenges arise on a regular basis. This can lead to overscheduling and burnout. Learn to prioritize and set limits (and look out for you) while meeting the expectations of staff, administration, and the community.
Tuesday, Nov 17 (12-1 pm)
How to Inventory Your Collection: Using SuDoc as a Starting Point (Federal Depository Library Program)
This webinar will discuss efficient methods for inventorying partially-cataloged Government documents collections. It will cover the purpose, methodology, resources, implementation, limitations, and outcomes of a stacks inventory at an academic library. Come learn about how to apply inventory outcomes to outreach, shifting projects, and collection development.
Tuesday, Nov 17 (1-2 pm)
Convert Supporters with Powerful Landing Pages (Firespring)
With great landing pages, your donors, volunteers and supporters are 10 times more likely to donate, sign up, register or engage with your nonprofit. In this session, we’ll share real-world landing page examples that increase conversions and what we’ve learned from studying hundreds of nonprofits and their landing page designs.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (9-10 am)
Summer Reading Program 2021: Tails and Tales (Nebraska Library Commission)
Get ready for next summer by learning about quality books to consider for your library’s collection and start planning for Tails and Tales. Kids will be clamoring for both fiction and nonfiction titles as they read all about animals, the topic for the 2021 Summer Reading Program.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (9-10 am)
I Need a Grant Now! Implementing a Grant Readiness Approach (Nonprofit Hub)
Many nonprofit leaders seek out grant funds primarily as a way to dig themselves out of a financial hole rather than to utilize them as a regular funding source. In this webinar, you will learn how to properly implement grants into your funding strategy and the steps necessary to take to position your nonprofit as ‘grant ready’.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (11 am-12 pm)
Virtual Business Research Orientation (Library of Congress)
The virtual Business Research Orientation provides an overview of resources and services for business research, with an emphasis on Library of Congress tools and search strategies that can be used from home. This class is designed to introduce you to research at the Library, navigating the online catalog, and highlighting resources specific to business research. You’ll be able to send chats throughout the presentation; we love it when you bring your questions with you!
Wednesday, Nov 18 (12-1 pm)
Introduction to Proposal Writing (Candid Learning)
Are you new to proposal writing or want a quick refresher? If so, you don’t want to miss one of our most popular classes! This class will provide you with an overview of how to write a standard project proposal to a foundation.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (12-1 pm)
RESCHEDULED for Wednesday, Jan 13
Libraries Serving Older Adults During COVID: A facilitated conversation (Colorado State Library)
This is not your normal webinar! We want to hear what you have done and are doing to serve older adults no matter where your organization is in the re-opening process. Join us for this conversation, and share your ideas, challenges, and successes!
Wednesday, Nov 18 (12-1 pm)
Providing Library Senior Services in a COVID-19 World (Public Library Association)
During this webinar David Kelsey of the St. Charles (IL) Public Library District and Glenna Godinsky of the Gail Borden Public Library District (Elgin, IL) will recommend tips and tricks for serving the senior demographic during COVID-19.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (12-1:30 pm)
Citizen Science & Libraries: Create Your Own Air Quality Sensor with (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
In this event, the team will help us learn about how to contribute to air quality monitoring through citizen science and provide a tutorial about how to make an air quality sensor.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (1-1:45 pm)
How To Set Your Nonprofit Up for Social Media Fundraising Success (CharityHowTo)
The rise in popularity of social media channels over the past decade has fundamentally changed how we connect with one another, how we discover news, and how we consume and share information that matters. How has this monumental shift in communications affected our role as fundraisers and nonprofit leaders? How can we leverage the power and potential of social media to not only “connect”, but also to actively raise funds for our causes and to cultivate relationships with our donors? In this 45-minute webinar, social media marketing expert Julia Campbell will dive into these important questions and you will learn how you can effectively leverage social media for fundraising and new donor acquisition for your nonprofit.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (1-2 pm)
ADA Compliance Wins for Digital Library Spaces (InfoPeople)
In this webinar you will learn about web accessibility fundamentals for ADA compliance from a working specialist in the field. You will discover how to tie digital accessibility and ADA compliance in with other principles of design (UDL) to create the best and most seamless programming experience possible. Making your documents, presentations, and PDFs accessible online will set you up for further success, and it’s easier than you think.
Wednesday, Nov 18 (5-6 pm)
AASL Town Hall: Leading Learning (American Association of School Librarians)
What began as an event to build community during the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved into a monthly opportunity for school library professionals to network and brainstorm around a central theme. During the town halls, participants will share successes, solicit ideas, and strategize the best ways to meet the needs of you and your learners. Join AASL Leadership and peers across the country in an open conversation focused on leading learning in your school and community.
Thursday, Nov 19 (12-1 pm)
Rural Health Resources (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
This webinar will describe hallmarks of rural America, identify access challenges of living in rural communities, and equip participants with tools to service the health information needs of those living in rural communities. We will explore websites from the National Library of Medicine, U.S. Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service, Rural Health Information Hub and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The origins of each website will be explained. Each of the websites contain consumer-level information and offers an opportunity for data downloads. The downloads will be demonstrated.
Thursday, Nov 19 (1-2:30 pm)
Who Are We Designing for and Why? Service Design Techniques for Responsive Libraries (WebJunction)
The sessions will show how design principles can lead to organizational collaboration, creativity, and adaptability. Participants will learn how to apply these principles to solve problems, foster 21st century skills, and generate customer loyalty to make your library essential to your community’s resiliency and recovery. The presenters will work with real-world, current case studies to demonstrate concepts and relevant applications to improve your library’s capacity to bring joy, vibrancy, learning experiences, and innovative opportunities to your communities!
Thursday, Nov 19 (2-3 pm)
Building Literacy in Every Library: How to Develop Fun Programs that Support Reading for School Age Children Pt 3 – Curious Readers: Celebrating the Joy of Reading (Association for Library Service to Children)
In this webinar, learn how to implement programs and services that will provide literacy support for early readers ages 5-9. An expert in the field of elementary education will speak about how our personal experiences and prior knowledge help us to understand what we are reading. We will discuss the many ways readers connect with texts. This can include relating the text to themselves, comparing similar texts or making connections between the text and the wider world around them. We’ll share ideas for programs, book recommendations and reader’s advisory that will help connect with children and caregivers on the subject of literacy.
Friday, Nov 20 (12-1 pm)
DNA to Z: Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
This webinar class will provide an overview of the history and current state of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing, which has become extremely popular in recent years. The differences between ancestry and health testing will be explored. The veracity of claims commonly made by testing companies will be assessed, and concerns and challenges surrounding these tests will be examined. Attendees will learn where to go to find essential background information about genetics needed to understand DTC tests and how to locate more advanced professional assistance.
Saturday, Nov 21 (9-12 pm)
Future Ready Librarians Summits: Leading from the Library Through Uncertain Times (Future Ready Librarians)
The Future Ready Librarians® summit is a series of FREE, virtual, interactive, high-quality professional learning experiences for librarians who are interested in learning, growing and expanding their professional practice through collaboration and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country. Both summits (Nov 7/Nov 21) this fall will focus on Collaborative Leadership with an emphasis on leading beyond the library during uncertainty.