Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of November 5

Nov 5, 2018

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of November 5 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

All times MST

Monday, Nov 5 (12-12:30 pm)
From Desktop to the Cloud: Why Organizations Are Converting (TechSoup)
On-prem vs. Cloud? What solution is right for your organization? In this 30-minute webinar, we will focus on current desktop and the factors leading to increased Cloud Adoption over the next several years. We will also review why nonprofits need to be thinking about their digital transformation now.

Monday, Nov 5 (1-2 pm)
Small But Mighty Library Management and Innovation (WebJunction)
Innovating. Meeting community needs. Managing the daily business of running a library. It can feel as though there aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all. But there are powerful models like the Millvale Community Library which is acting as an agent of change in the community without sacrificing their core role as an information resource. This small but mighty library addresses their community’s food desert, uses clean energy, offers a tool-lending library, and more—while operating in a financially sustainable way. Learn how they do it, and how you can, too!

Monday, Nov 5 (2-3 pm)
Developing Future-Ready Students Through Coding (edWeb)
Today’s elementary school students will be entering a future workforce comprised mostly of jobs that don’t currently exist. How do we prepare them for this uncertainty? In this edWebinar, join Marcos Navas, Technology Facilitator from Union City Public Schools in New Jersey, to learn how you can prepare your students for their future.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (10-11 am)
Build a Better World With Kindness and Gratitude (Washington State Library)
Both kindness and gratitude are important ingredients to a happy life as well as essential to building strong professional and personal relationships. During this course, participants will: 1) Learn practical strategies to cultivate more positivity in yourself, your relationships, and teams by harnessing the power of kindness and gratitude, 2) Delve into what it means to practice “kind communication” and how this can improve your relationships, and 3) Contemplate what a massive study of successful teams undertaken by Google teaches us about team dynamics.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (10-11 am)
Bozarthzone! Show Your Work: The New Knowledge Management (InSync Training)
As training practitioners, we spend a great deal of time talking about how people learn, how to help people learn, and how to use that learning to help organizations improve. But “learning” often looks like doing, and talking with others about what we’re doing. This is frequently how we learn and how we help others learn. In this session, we’ll look at what to narrate as well as how and when

Tuesday, Nov 6 (10-11 am)
Caring for the Mind: Providing Mental Health Information (National Network of Libraries of Medicine)
In this class, participants will learn how to effectively provide mental health information using the best free electronic resources as well as best approaches for handling interactions with emotional patrons.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (11-12 pm)
The Countdown Is On: A Procrastinator’s Guide to #GivingTuesday (GuideStar)
The planning and execution of a successful #GivingTuesday awareness campaign can be daunting, especially if you are just getting started. But don’t worry, we’ve gathered experts from #GivingTuesday and Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc.  to share their experiences and help you make the most of the next few weeks to ensure your success.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (11-12 pm)
Picture This! Books for the Youngest (Booklist)
Picture books entertain, enlighten, and educate young children. Join representatives from Baker & Taylor, Beaming Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Penguin Random House Canada, and Simon & Schuster as they present new books that kids will love.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (12-12:45 pm)
Enhancing Your Intelligence Agency Information Resource IQ: PT. 4 – National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Intelligence University, and National Reconnaissance Office (Federal Depository Library Program)
Attendees should gain an enhanced understanding of the publicly-accessible information resources produced by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Intelligence University, and National Reconnaissance Office and how these agencies carry out their policymaking activities.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (12-1 pm)
Missionizing Your Year-End Fundraising Events (Bloomerang)
Join Terry Axelrod, founder of Benevon, who will lead you through a step-by-step process for “missionizing” each of your events and designing a sustainable system of events that furthers your engagement of individual donors and grows major gifts.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (1-2:30 pm)
Is Your Library’s Website Living Its Best Life? (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
This is an introductory overview of the importance of the library’s website — your virtual branch — that busts common myths and misconceptions about your library’s online presence. We’ll cover the 25 most common website problems and how to fix them.

Tuesday, Nov 6 (3:30-4 pm)
Life Hacks with Google Forms (Technology & Innovation in Education)
Join Bailey Kowalski to learn about how Google Forms can change your life! Using them will save you time, give you data and more. Use forms for everything from gathering information about your learners to formative assessment. They allow for a variety of options, including self-graded quizzes with automatic feedback. Sign-up for this fast paced session to learn all the Google Forms life hacks and come up with some of your own!

Wednesday, Nov 7 (9-10 am)
Letters About Literature: Read. Be Inspired. Write Back. (Nebraska Library Commission)
This session will provide helpful information and resources for teachers and librarians interested in the Letters About Literature competition. It will also cover the new online submission process and be an excellent opportunity to ask questions about the entire competition process.

Wednesday, Nov 7 (10-11 am)
Help! I’m an Accidental Government Information Librarian presents … Presidential Research Resource (North Carolina Library Association)
This talk will discuss digital and archival resources for Presidential Research with librarians and archivists from the Miller Center, the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington and Seton Hall University.

Wednesday, Nov 7 (11-12 pm)
The New Workplace Demands Versatile Communication Skills (Training Industry)
Recruiters rank communication as one of the most desired, yet hardest to find, skills, according to surveys from LinkedIn and Bloomberg. This interactive webinar provides you with insights on: How social intelligence became the new workplace currency; Why we communicate well with some people and struggle working with others; The “platinum rule” for building stronger relationships: versatility; and Four steps for increasing your interpersonal effectiveness.

Wednesday, Nov 7 (11-12 pm)
How to Create a Year-End Marketing Plan to Engage Donors (Network for Good)
During this one-hour webinar presented by Heidi Webb, CFRE, you will learn the key tipping points that will help supercharge your year-end fundraising efforts.

Wednesday, Nov 7 (11 am-4 pm)
Library Con Live!
We’re excited to offer a day-long celebration of fandom-beloved stories and characters, from mind-bending speculative fiction to innovative comics and graphic novels. You’ll also learn from librarians and industry insiders on how to plan and host your own Comic Con-style event.

Wednesday, Nov 7 (1-2 pm)
Your Capital Campaign: Are You Ready? (DonorSearch)
Do you need to grow your programs or your endowment (who doesn’t)? Many nonprofit leaders facing these challenges are not prepared for the rigors of a capital campaign that can provide the funding. This one-hour webinar will help you analyze and prepare the 6 Key Ingredients for Capital Campaign success: Case for Support, Dollar Goal, Donors, Steering Committee, Systems, Timing.

Wednesday, Nov 7 (1-2 pm)
Everything You Wanted to Know about the CSK Award (But Didn’t Know to Ask) (Association for Library Service to Children)
You know the Coretta Scott King Medal-winning books. You read them every year when the awards are announced. But how are the awards chosen? How do members of the jury go from reading picture books to young adult novels? And what is the difference between the CSK Book Jury and the CSK Committee? Get answers to these questions and many more with former CSK Jury members Kacie Armstrong and Alan Bailey.

Wednesday, Nov 7 (5-6 pm)
The “Fake News” Problem: Tips, Tricks, & Tools to Use Both in and out of the Classroom (American Association of School Librarians)
Living in a Post-Truth world can be tough, especially for anyone consuming news and information online. This webinar will frame the issue of “Fake News” in a manageable way, and provide you with tips, tricks, and tools you can use immediately, both in and out of the classroom. In a neutral & non-partisan manner, presenter Kelsey Bogan will explore the “Fake News” Problem; from defining the term “Fake News,” to its real world impact, and including several practical strategies for dealing with it.

Thursday, Nov 8 (10-11 am)
The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength (American Management Association)
Introverts ARE leaders. This inspirational and practical web event will demonstrate how introverts can use their quiet strengths to conquer leadership challenges. Extroverts and “ambiverts”—those whose personality type is between an introvert and extrovert—will also learn how to expand their leadership skills.

Thursday, Nov 8 (11-12 pm)
Public Library Administration and Innovation for the 21st Century (Booklist)
Public libraries have historically faced challenges as viable units in local government. This webinar will present a framework for future library services, focusing on effective public sector skills, strategic planning, leadership, organizational and service innovation, information technology, readers, and the full range of library constituents.

Thursday, Nov 8 (12-1 pm)
Library Marketing 1.0: How to successfully market your library without getting another degree (Colorado State Library)
Join us for an overview of marketing basics for libraries. Learn about your library brand, basic marketing components, and merchandising tips to create a thrifty, simple, and effective marketing system for your library. This webinar is perfect for accidental marketers; no previous experience is necessary!

Thursday, Nov 8 (12-1 pm)
Identify, Discover, Decide with Imagery and GIS (GovLoop)
Join us to learn how easy it is to take your own or other remotely sensed data to create smart maps that will keep you and your organization informed and prepared.

Thursday, Nov 8 (12-1:30 pm)
Award winning toys, games, music and books that bridge the classroom to the playroom (Early Childhood Investigations)
Join us as the Parents’ Choice Foundation®, the perennial standard-bearer for best-in-class play-based products, will present a current selection of the President’s favorites from Parents’ Choice Award® winning children’s toys and media.

Thursday, Nov 8 (1-2 pm)
Cybertraps for Librarians (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
The world of online privacy is complex and ever-changing. However our patrons need sensible advice NOW as they move forward interacting in an online world. Rural Technologist and Librarian Jessamyn West will outline a simple program libraries can use to help patrons navigate the tricky world of online privacy, trying to help people make better, not perfect, privacy choices that work for their real lives.

Thursday, Nov 8 (1-2 pm)
What Works on Giving Tuesday? Answers from 2017’s Website Analytics (Cause Smart Digital)
Prepare your strategy for this year’s Giving Tuesday with insight from last year’s Giving Tuesday nonprofit website analytics. Digital skills trainer and Google Analytics expert Yesenia Sotelo will review which marketing efforts drove the most website traffic on Giving Tuesday, and how that traffic performed.

Thursday, Nov 8 (1-2 pm)
Exemplary Practices using ‘Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA’ Free Resources (National Girls’ Collaborative Project)
This webinar will explore the free NASA resources, along with accompanying exemplary practices. There will be time for Q&A with NASA’s Universe of Learning team to best support your program efforts with the Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA materials.

Thursday, Nov 8 (1-2 pm)
Digital Citizenship for Tweens and Teens (School Library Journal)
Gain insight into the latest trends and tools related to digital citizenship and cyberbullying. Experts will share information on targeted initiatives for tweens and high schoolers, as well as insight into the latest research on preventing and addressing cyberbullying. Learn strategies for fostering student citizenship and a supportive school climate to positively impact student behavior in the digital realm.

Thursday, Nov 8 (2-3 pm)
Database tutorial: U.S. History In Context and Native American Heritage Month (Wyoming State Library)
Gale pays tribute to their important contributions, histories, and unique challenges both past and present with Native American content featured directly on the homepage of US History In Context for the entire month of November. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Friday, Nov 9 (9:30-10:30 am)
What Do the Midterms Mean for Your Library? (American Libraries Live)
What will the upcoming midterm elections mean for your library and community? Join us for a free 60-minute webinar on Friday, November 9 at 11:30 a.m. ET where we’ll provide an overview of key results from the 2018 elections and explore their implications. ALA’s Washington Office will dig into how the outcomes could affect engagement from library advocates and how ALA’s upcoming advocacy plans will align.

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