Free Continuing Education Events for the Week of September 20

Sep 19, 2021

Free, online, continuing education events for the week of  September 20 from the Wyoming State Library Training Calendar. Descriptions and links are below. You can subscribe and view the events in your calendar software, or you can find all the events at

Calendar listings

All times MDT

Monday, Sep 20 (1-2 pm)
Transforming Teen Services: Connected Learning (Utah State Library)
Connected Learning encourages curiosity, exploration of interests, relationship-building, and teen participation in creating learning opportunities. Explore how to use teens’ interests to create programs and services that engage and empower teens. (Part 1 of 2-part series)

Tuesday, Sep 21 (10-10:30 am)
Behind the Book Author Takeover STUDENT EDITION with Judd Winick (Follett)
On Tuesday, September 21, at 11:00am CT, students will get to hear from Judd Winick, the creator of Hilo, an action-packed, best-selling middle grade graphic novel series that has laugh-out-loud humor and a whole lot of heart. We will learn more about the latest edition to the series: Gina-The Girl Who Broke the World. The Hilo series is filled with epic battles, friendship, and magic and is a favorite of both kids and critics. This is sure to be a fun-filled event your students won’t want to miss.

Tuesday, Sep 21 (11-11:45 am)
How to Develop a Workable Strategic Plan for Your Nonprofit (CharityHowTo)
In this 45-minute FREE Nonprofit Webinar, we will show you, step-by-step, how to create and implement a workable strategic plan for your nonprofit organization.

Tuesday, Sep 21 (11-12 pm)
Orientation to Law Library Collections (Law Library of Congress)
This webinar provides information about the Law Library’s wide range of online resources, as well as our print collections.

Tuesday, Sep 21 (1-2 pm)
Mathical Books: Inspire Joyful Curiosity in Math-Themed Kids’ Literature (School Library Journal)
Connecting with kids’ interests and showing how math is woven into every aspect of the world around us is at the heart of the Mathical Book Prize, which recognizes math-inspiring kids’ literature for Grades PreK-12. Join Title I school librarians as they share programming ideas for using titles from the Mathical Book List in their schools; meet Steve Light, author/illustrator of Have You Seen My Dragon? Moderated by educators Celina Gonzalez and Kirsten Bohl, the session will include time for questions and discussion. Join us to explore math in children’s literature, and pick up tips on how to encourage kids to love math in the world around them.

Tuesday, Sep 21 (1-2 pm)
Here Rests in Honored Glory: Records Related to Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown, Pt 1 (U.S. National Archives)
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the interment ceremonies officiated by President Warren G. Harding at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (November 11, 1921), the National Archives, in partnership with Arlington National Cemetery, presents the first of two programs about records related to the cemetery and tomb. Part one will feature motion picture, cartographic, and photographic records.

Tuesday, Sep 21 (1-2 pm)
Convert Supporters with Powerful Landing Pages (Firespring)
With great landing pages, your donors, volunteers and supporters are 10 times more likely to donate, sign up, register or engage with your nonprofit. In this session, we’ll share real-world landing page examples that increase conversions and what we’ve learned from studying hundreds of nonprofits and their landing page designs.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (8-9 am)
Content Creation for Your Library (Indiana State Library)
Are you in charge of creating content for your library’s social media accounts? Do you feel like you are stuck with what new and exciting things you can post that will engage your followers? Are you not even sure where to start or look to create graphics that excite? Wondering if hash tagging is all it’s cracked up to be? Join Jenn Bartlett, Head of Reference and Adult Services of the Manchester Public Library, and lead of their social media as she discusses these topics. Catch Bartlett on her own personal social media as The Board Game Librarian.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (11-12 pm)
10 Quick Tips to Super Charge Your Next Fundraising Appeal (Productive Fundraising)
Join fundraising master trainer, Chad Barger, CFRE, for a review of the best practices in writing fundraising appeal letters. Chad will boil down the research from top fundraising experts to provide actionable tips on both how to write content that spurs action and how to actually get prospects to open the envelope.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (11-12 pm)
Tech Planning and Budgeting for Nonprofits (Tech Impact)
We all know that the effective use of technology can improve efficiencies, help better deliver on your mission, and spawn innovation.  As technology advances, so should your IT budget. In this session, we will discuss: alignment of your IT budget to the organization’s strategy, assessment of your current technologies, prioritizing expenditures, and leveraging resources, as well as a walk through a sample budget worksheet that explores key buckets of tech spending.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (11-12:30 pm)
Copyright 101 (Lyrasis)
This 90 minute introductory course will provide an overview of the origin and purpose of U.S. copyright law and how it promotes creativity, teaching, learning, and research in ways that have become an integral part of everyday life. This session will introduce copyright concepts most relevant to those working in libraries, archives, museums, and community cultural heritage organizations.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (12-1 pm)
Libraries and Reading: New Service Models for Patrons with Intellectual Disability (Niche Academy)
Library service to those with ID is at once a pressing problem in great need of attention and a great challenge to the library profession which, in a time of heightened awareness of diversity, has implications for our entire professional identity. After briefly establishing the current plight of those with ID and the history of library services towards them, the presentation will provide a detailed case study of the first reading club for those with ID at an academic library.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (12-1 pm)
How to: TikTok
Love it or hate it, there’s no denying its popularity: TikTok beat out Facebook and WhatsApp to claim the spot of #1 most popular social app download in the world for 2020. Here’s a closer look at the rapidly growing platform and how governments can leverage it to reach residents.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (12-1 pm)
Writing Accurate and Useful Volunteer Position Descriptions (VolunteerMatch)
A good position description can make the recruitment and placement of volunteers so much easier, but this foundation component of a program is often overlooked or put into a folder and never used. This webinar will start with the basics of what should be included in a position description and will help you create or update position descriptions for all of your volunteer opportunities.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (12-1 pm)
Voices Matter: The Power of Diversity in Picture Books (Mackin)
Join award-winning authors NoNieqa Ramos, Traci Sorell, and Kao Kalia Yang for a discussion with Carol Hinz, associate publisher of Carolrhoda Books and Millbrook Press, as they discuss how picture books have the power to affirm identities, build understanding with people unlike ourselves, challenge our misconceptions, and broaden our awareness of the world.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (12-1:30 pm)
Build a #GivingTuesday Campaign That Inspires and Converts (Candid Learning)
Make the most of the year-end giving season, and learn how to optimize your #GivingTuesday campaign. Join us for a live webinar and Q&A with Classy, to find out how to design a #GivingTuesday campaign that commands the attention of your supporters and drives online conversions.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (12-1:30 pm)
Pushing Past Bias and Challenging Classroom Behaviors: Changing Children’s Behavior Starts With Changing Ourselves (Early Childhood Investigations)
When children exhibit behaviors that are not compliant, early educators often label them “challenging.” But are they really? Teachers and administrators often jump to conclusions about the child or their family and community. However, behavior is complex so there is seldom one reason children don’t or cannot comply with our expectations. Research shows order to gain a meaningful understanding of children’s behavior there must be a meaningful understanding of adult bias and the context in which these behaviors occurs. This webinar will help you look beyond the child to the implicit bias, contextual elements, interactions, and classroom variables that might contribute to labeling behavior as challenging.

Wednesday, Sep 22 (1-2 pm)
CFPB’s Your Money, Your Goals: Financial Empowerment for Your Community (WebJunction)
Guiding patrons through a complicated financial landscape can be challenging and confusing, and can be unfair when the playing field is not level. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), is focused on using all of their tools, including enforcement, rule-writing, and research to address systemic racism and economic inequality in the consumer financial system. One of the ways to address wealth inequality in the U.S. is through empowering people who are developing their financial knowledge.

Thursday, Sep 23 (12-1 pm)
Exploring Census Data Webinar Series: Manufacturing – The Changing Face of Manufacturing in the USA (U.S. Census Bureau)
This webinar will dive into business data on the manufacturing industry and explore the relationship of manufacturing with other sectors of the economy. The session will include a live demonstration of data tools and the opportunity for Q&A.

Thursday, Sep 23 (1-1:30 am)
Female Aviators in ProQuest Historical Newspapers (ProQuest)
In this 30-minute session, we’ll use ProQuest Historical Newspapers to research 3 females aviators (or aviatrixes as they were once called) – Amelia Earhart, Bessie Coleman, and Evelyn Sharp. You’ll learn some search tips and tricks as well as some content highlights and differences across the newspapers.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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