Free, In-Person Creative Aging Training for Wyoming Libraries

Mar 22, 2023

People viewing artwork hanging on wall in libraryStaff in all Wyoming public and tribal libraries will soon be invited to a free, in-person training as part of the Advancing Creative Aging Through State Library Leadership Initiative.

The event will take place in Casper on May 18. Lodging and meals will be provided, along with a travel stipend. Every library that participates will receive grant funds to provide Creative Aging programming in their communities.

Creative aging is the practice of engaging older adults in participatory, sequential, socially-engaging and professionally run arts programs. Not only does this program model promote mastery of artistic skills and creative expression, it is a proven way to alleviate the effects of social isolation.

By 2030, older adults (55+) will be the dominant demographic group in the United States and institutions are adapting to meet their needs for meaningful engagement. A total of 132 public and county library systems in Wyoming and Missouri will develop and/or expand arts education programs that improve the lives of older adults through this initiative.

The Wyoming State Library (WSL) secured a $646,000 Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to support the $1.2 million project. The WSL will work in partnership with the Missouri State Library, Califa Group and Lifetime Arts to implement the three-year initiative.


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