Want a summer read that gives you a good reason to hide under the covers? NoveList has partnered with the Horror Writers Association’s Summer Scares program on lists of books for adults, teens, and kids guaranteed to send chills up your spine.
NoveList is a book advisory resource found in GoWYLD — available to all Wyoming residents with a library card and PIN. Find NoveList under the Recommended Reading subject area.
For the summer scares lists, select Adult, Teen, or Ages 9-12 from the Recommended Reading sidebar on the left side of the NoveList home page. You’ll find Summer Scares in the alphabetical list.
For librarians
In addition to the Summer Scares list, NoveList has created content you can use this summer and beyond such as horror genre guides, searchable themes, and the article, “Recommending Horror is Nothing to Be Scared Of.” Learn more in their blog post. Included in the post is a link to the Horror Writers Association’s programming guide that includes sample programs, short book talk, and reading group guides for the selected books.
For more information, about the databases, training, or marketing materials, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian, chris.vanburgh@wyo.gov.