Grant Opportunities

Oct 17, 2018

Great Stories Club Series on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT)
DEADLINE: November 16, 2018
ALA’s Great Stories Club is a thematic reading and discussion program that engages underserved teens through literature-based library outreach programs. Grantee benefits include 11 paperback copies of up to four books on the reading list; a programming grant of up to $1,200; travel and accommodation expenses paid for attendance at a two-day orientation workshop in Chicago; and additional resources, training, and support from ALA’s Public Programs Office.

American Creed: Community Conversations
DEADLINE: November 19, 2018
Public library programming grants to host community conversations centered around American Creed, a PBS documentary that invites audiences to consider what America’s ideals and identity ought to be. Up to 50 public libraries will be selected to receive a DVD of the American Creed documentary for their circulating collections; access to a high-quality, projection-ready download of the film, with public performance rights (PPR) included; a $300 stipend to support speaker fees for an eligible public humanities scholar, or access to a representative from the National Writing Project to serve as program moderator; and additional training, resources, and support.

Autism Welcome Here: Library Programs, Services and More
DEADLINE: December 1, 2018
Are you thinking about developing a new program or service at your library for children, teens or adults with autism (or you would like to expand an existing program)? Do you want to be more supportive of neurodiversity? Adaptive materials and activities that you provide for people with autism are also inclusive of other neurodevelopmental needs, such as ADHD and Down syndrome.

Jan Merrill-Oldham Professional Development Award
DEADLINE: December 1, 2018
This grant, awarded by the ALCTS Preservation and Reformatting Section, is to provide librarians and paraprofessionals new to the preservation field with the opportunity to attend a professional conference and encourages professional development through active participation at the national level. Award amount: $1,250

Social Media in the Classroom Grant
DEADLINE: December 3, 2018
The Question: How are you using social media to enhance the learning experiences of your students? Enter with either an 800-1,000 word essay or in a 2-3 minute video explaining how you use social media to enhance the learning experience of your classroom. Two winners will be chosen and receive a prize of $1,000 each to use in their classrooms.

Sharing the Gift of Literacy
DEADLINE: December 15, 2018
To celebrate the Toys for Tots Literacy Program 10th anniversary, The UPS Store is giving away $10,000 worth of books and educational resources each to ten organizations that serve underprivileged children across the country. A judging panel will select winners using the following criteria: organization serves disadvantaged children (40%); clearly defines the mission and impact of the organization (30%); and compelling description for need/usage of books and educational resources for children (30%).

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