NNLM Human Genetics Film Kits
Apply by March 16, 2020, for first consideration
The National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) Human Genetics Film Kits contain a curated selection of materials designed to support public libraries in raising scientific literacy and awareness of precision medicine. Each kit includes a set of four DVD films on topics surrounding human genetics along with supporting materials. Any public library in the United States is eligible to apply; priority given to Association for Rural and Small Libraries members.
Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Mini-Grants
DEADLINE: March 31, 2020
The EJK mini-grant offers funding and the opportunity to design and implement a creative program for your library. Up to 70 grants of up to $500 each will be awarded to qualifying teachers and librarians at public schools and libraries in the US.
Wyoming Humanities Expansion Grants
DEADLINE: April 1, 2020
The goal of Wyoming Humanities’ grants is to support public programs that use the humanities to explore the state’s histories, stories, issues, and connections between groups and communities. Expansion grants are grants intended to fund larger programs, both in terms of scope and impact. Awards range from $2,001 to $10,000.
Wyoming Business Council Open Summer Placemaking Grants
DEADLINE: April 1, 2020
Placemaking is a multi-faceted approach to make your community a better place to live, work, and play by transforming underutilized public spaces into vibrant community places. Any placemaking project is eligible to apply for up to $2,500. Applicants must complete training to be eligible to apply; contact Kim Porter at kim.porter@wyo.gov for details.
OCLC Community Engagement Award
DEADLINE: April 30, 2020
This award recognizes projects that help public libraries extend their reach, build strong partnerships and create programs that transform lives. Submissions should highlight a current project or one completed within the past year that innovates, impacts and extends a library’s reach by connecting with community members. Three libraries will be recognized with an award and each will receive $5,000 for their significant community engagement initiatives.
DEADLINE: May 1, 2020
EBSCO Solar is a grant program making three $100,000 grants available for applicants looking to fund a library solar project to offset electricity costs. All academic, school, and public libraries that are current EBSCO customers are eligible to apply.
Alexandre Vattemare Award for Creativity in Libraries
DEADLINE: May 1, 2020
Email nominations to inquiries@libraryjuicepress.
Given annually by Library Juice Press, the Vattemare Award recognizes contributions in the LIS field that are marked by originality, creative energy, and novel combinations of ideas. Considerations in selecting the awardee are their creation of new possibilities for libraries and library workers, the creation of new means of benefiting the community that the library serves, and the ultimate success of these efforts. The award is open to librarians, other library workers, and community members (in any country). The award may be given to an individual or a group, based on a particular project or creative work over an extended period. The award consists of $1000 and a framed certificate. Nominations should include a letter and sufficient materials for evaluation.
Frontier Internet Classroom Technology Grants
DEADLINE: May 15, 2020, at 9:59 p.m.
Eligible K-12 teachers may apply to win $1,000 to use toward the purchase of technology equipment for use in the classroom. Applicants need to submit a unique lesson plan explaining how they would use technology to teach social responsibility.
Verizon Foundation Grants
The Verizon Foundation’s funding priorities are STEM education for K-12 youth and domestic violence education and prevention for youth, women, and older adults. New applications are by invitation only, but you can contact your local community relations manager to ascertain your eligibility here.