Grant Opportunities

Aug 2, 2022

Graphic reads GRANT ALERT with image of megaphoneBeyond Our Walls Workshops at Libraries
DEADLINE: August 15, 2022
American University’s Game Center and the DC Public Library have received an IMLS grant to offer libraries tools, training, and templates to create neighborhood games. The Engaging Beyond Our Walls project provides basic training in game design and storytelling for communities, plus $300 for supplies and $150 for training; turn-key game templates; free authoring tools;
and workshops and experiences for patrons, led by the pioneering Game Center of American University.

NNLM All of Us Program Center Community Awards
DEADLINE: August 26, 2022
The Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) All of Us Program Center Community Awards will provide funding to community-serving libraries and organizations to to expand health/digital literacy, and community partnerships through health programming and digital information access. Up to five awards are available with a maximum award amount of $30,000 each. NNLM library membership required; membership is free.

Society of Aviation and Flight Educators K-12 Classroom Teacher Grants
DEADLINE: August 31, 2022
The Society of Aviation & Flight Educators, Inc.(SAFE) is offering four $500 grants designed to encourage K-12 classroom teachers to incorporate aviation-themed lessons into their normal curriculum. Any credentialed teacher in a public, private, or charter school may apply for a grant.  Local STEM coordinators and homeschooling cooperatives may also apply for a grant.

Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation Grants
DEADLINE: September 10, 2022 for letters of interest
The Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation seeks to raise the nation’s level of economic literacy. Funding interests include the delivery of economic education to youth in non-school settings, behavioral economics with a focus on environmental issues, economic education initiatives to underserved communities, entrepreneurship education, and more. Grants range from $10,000 to $25,000 on average.

Rocky Mountain Power Foundation Grants
DEADLINE: September 15, 2020
The foundation will award grants to performing arts, visual arts, historic preservation, and cross-cultural education organizations. Grants generally are less than $10,000 with most between $2,000 and $5,000.

I Love My Librarian Award
DEADLINE: September 30, 2022
Has a librarian made a difference in your life or gone above and beyond to serve your community? The I Love My Librarian Award invites library users to recognize the accomplishments of exceptional public, school, college, community college, or university librarians. Each year, up to 10 librarians are honored at a ceremony held in their honor and receive a $5,000 cash award.

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education
DEADLINE: September 30, 2022
Want to attend a conference or workshop to build your library skills? Take an online course? Start working toward that library media specialist endorsement or master’s degree in library science? Funds are available to those working or volunteering in Wyoming libraries through the Carol McMurry Library Endowment Individual Grants for Continuing Education. Applications are accepted six times during the year. The next deadline is September 30, 2022, for continuing education events starting no earlier than November 1, 2022.

Connecting Communities Digital Initiative
DEADLINE: September 30, 2022
Support to libraries, archives, and museums to use Library of Congress digital collections and materials to create projects that center the lives, experiences, and perspectives of Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color in the 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, territories and commonwealths (Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands). Three grants for up to $50,000 each.

Carol McMurry Library Endowment Grants to Libraries
DEADLINE: December 15, 2022
These grants provide support to Wyoming librarians and publicly accessible Wyoming libraries in three areas: education and training, library resources, and library foundation development. Two grant deadlines annually in June and December. Contact Brian Greene, WSL Library Development Manager, with any questions at or (307) 777-6339.

Lisa Libraries
The Lisa Libraries donates new children’s books and small libraries to organizations that work with kids in poor and under-served areas. They have a strong interest in supporting small, grass-roots organizations. Recipients of these free books will need to cover the shipping costs. Must have a tax exempt 501(c)(3) status.

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