Grant Opportunities

Dec 1, 2022

Graphic reads GRANT ALERT with image of megaphonePenguin Random House Grants for Small & Rural Libraries
DEADLINE: December 12, 2022
This grant is available to libraries that have a service population of 25,000 or fewer and are located five or more miles from the nearest town of 25,000 or more. Applicants may request a monetary grant in support of a community-oriented project for up to $1,000 or an in-kind grant donation of up to $1,000 in equivalent value to support a circulating collection.

Walmart Community Grant Program
DEADLINE: December 31, 2022
Grants of $250 to $5,000 will be awarded in support of local nonprofit organizations within the service area of individual Walmart or Sam’s Club stores for projects that benefit the community at large. Eligible nonprofit organizations must operate on the local level or be an affiliate/chapter of a larger organization that operates locally and directly benefit the service area of the store from which they are requesting funding.

ProLiteracy: Literacy Opportunity Fund
DEADLINE: January 3, 2022

ProLiteracy supports adult literacy programs across the United States. The Literacy Opportunity Fund, administered by ProLiteracy with funding by the Nora Roberts Foundation, awards grants to nonprofit organizations within the United States that provide literacy services directly to students. Grants ranging from $3,000 to $6,000 support general operating expenses. Applications are reviewed quarterly.

ACP Navigator Pilot Program (NPP) Outreach Grant
DEADLINE: January 9, 2023
Provides funding to support outreach activities (including application assistance) by trusted, neutral third-party entities, such as schools and school districts, or other local or state government entities, to increase awareness and encourage participation in the  Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) among eligible households. NPP funding will only be provided to entities that are selected to participate in the ACP Navigator Pilot Program. Awards are $50,000 to $1 million.

Peggy Barber Tribute Grant
DEADLINE: February 1, 2023 by 10:59 (MST)
Annual grant that recognizes, promotes and supports meaningful programs in libraries that have limited and/or no access to budgetary support for programming. This grant aims to help ease budget challenges by annually awarding three libraries $2,500 to support a proposed program, program series or programming effort. Applicants must have a membership with either ALA or ARSL.

Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grant
DEADLINE: February 1, 2023 by 10:59 (MST)
Annual grant to recognize, promote, and support innovative and meaningful community engagement efforts in libraries. Community engagement is the process of working collaboratively with community members – be they library patrons, residents, faculty, students, or local organizations – to address issues for the betterment of the community. Library/applicant must hold either an ALA institutional membership or ALA personal membership.

Libraries Transforming Communities (LTC): Accessible Small and Rural Communities
DEADLINE: February 28, 2023, by 10:59 pm (MST)
Grants will be available to small and rural libraries to increase the accessibility of facilities, services, and programs to better serve people with disabilities. Selected libraries will receive $10,000 or $20,000 to support costs related to their community engagement project; virtual training to assist project directors in developing their community engagement, facilitation, and disability service skills; a suite of online resources developed to support local programs; and technical and project support from the ALA Public Programs Office throughout the grant term.

Wyoming Humanities Crossroads Grants: Digital Media & Preservation
DEADLINE: April 14, 2023
Grants support the larger multi-year thematic initiative of Wyoming Humanities. Nonprofit organizations will be encouraged to explore the idea of growth through change and create programming and project opportunities that dig deep into themes related to Wyoming’s identity, our sense of community, our connection to the land, unwavering persistence, and of course our ability to manage change.

T-Mobile Hometown Grants
DEADLINE: Open on quarterly basis
The T-Mobile Hometown Grants program will help fund projects to build, rebuild, or refresh community spaces that help foster local connections in small towns. Towns of under 50,000 population may apply for up to $50,000.

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