Grant Opportunities for Libraries

May 18, 2016

Carol McMurry Endowment Grants to Libraries

mcmurry-logoThe next deadline for Carol McMurry Library Endowment grants to libraries is coming up on June 15, with notification about September 15. Three types of grants are available:

  • Library Education & Training Grants can be used for in-service workshops or multi-library continuing education events. The application can include financial support to pay for substitute staff to keep a library open while staff attends the event or training.
  • Resource Grants can be used to purchase library books, audio-visual materials, informational software and hardware, and databases. Applications can be submitted for children, youth or adult resources, both physical and electronic. The library is expected to provide a collection analysis to support its justification for a grant and information on the population to be served by the project.
  • Foundation Grants can be used to retain outside technical assistance for foundation boards and library staff in their planning of an endowment or for a publication about the endowment. Grants for consulting in the area of bylaws, foundation roles and responsibilities, relationship to the library board can be made. Grants for fundraising support and for the local library endowment itself will not be awarded. Capital construction, furnishings, carpeting, and building repairs have a very low consideration due to the amount of funds available in the Endowment for library grants.

First Book
First Book is a nonprofit providing free and discounted books and educational resources to schools and programs serving children from low-income families. Registration is required to ensure only qualifying organizations participate. Deadline:ongoing.

Mazda Foundation
The Mazda Foundation awards grants to programs promoting education and literacy, environmental conservation, cross-cultural understanding, social welfare, and scientific research. Organizations are required to have a 501(c)(3) designation. Deadline: July 1

Kinder Morgan Foundation
The Kinder Morgan Foundation’s mission is to provide today’s youth with opportunities to learn and grow. Their goal is to help today’s science, math, and music students become the engineers, educators, and musicians who will support diverse communities for many years to come. They fund programs that promote the academic and artistic interests of young people in the cities and towns where Kinder Morgan operates. Grants range between $1,000 and $5,000. Deadline: ongoing.


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