Grants for Library Continuing Education and Library Projects

Jan 23, 2012

Don’t forget about the Carol McMurry Library Endowment Grants to Individuals and Grants to Libraries programs.

The Grants to Individuals Program offers library staff members and volunteers up to $1,500 per calendar year to participate in library related continuing education courses, conferences, or other events.  Applications are reviewed six times per year.

The Grants to Libraries Program offers support for library education and training, library resources, and foundation assistance.  Applications are reviewed three times per year.

Additionally, the Wyoming Library Association’s Nora Van Burgh Development Grants offer support to WLA members who wish to enhance their effectiveness as library employees through additional educational experience.  Applications are due May 1.

If you have any questions about these grant programs or non-credit, for-credit, or Master’s level library education programs, please don’t hesitate to contact Jamie Markus at or 307.777.5914.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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