In 2017, the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) released its Teen Services Competencies for Library Staff. In recent weeks, they’ve been delving into these competencies and how to implement them effectively in libraries on the YALSA blog. If you’re looking to learn more to better serve your young adult patrons, you might explore these articles:
- Social Emotional Learning
- What’s Your Job?
- Cultural Competency and Responsiveness
- Putting Youth Engagement and Leadership Into Practice
- Future Ready with the Library
- Putting Teens First
- Youth Leadership
- Demonstrating the Paradigm Shift
- What’s in a Name?
- Equity of Access
- Overview of Teen Growth and Development
- Experimenting with Learning Cohorts
- What’s Your Policy?
- That’s a Wrap (Sort of)
Look on the YALSA blog for more. If you are planning on attending ALA Midwinter in Denver, YALSA is hosting two News You Can Use sessions on the Competencies.