Happy 100th Birthday to the National Park Service

Aug 25, 2016

Gov. Stan Hathaway fishing in Grand Teton National Park. Photo from Wyoming State Archives.

Gov. Stan Hathaway fishing in Grand Teton National Park. Photo from Wyoming State Archives.

Today, August 25, 2016, marks the National Park Service’s centennial. To celebrate, you might check out the NPS site to explore places to go (especially in Wyoming), delve into Government Publishing Office resources, or even transcribe and tag National Archives Catalog digitized records.

Did you know there is a  Yellowstone Research Library? The collection consists of books, magazines, articles and pamphlets relating to the history, culture, geology, animals and plants of Yellowstone National Park. You can read more about it in the Spring 2006 Wyoming Library Roundup.

Hitting the road? We have a stack of Wyoming road maps you can pick up here at the Wyoming State Library at 2800 Central Ave. in Cheyenne, or you can download maps from Wyoming Tourism. For a little historical perspective, the WSL has digitized Wyoming road maps back to 1932 in our Wyoming State Publications digital collection.

Follow the conversation today over on Twitter, hashtag #NPS100, and go #FindYourPark.


If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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