December 10 is Dewey Decimal System Day!
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is one of several library classification systems used today to allow library professionals and patrons to find books quickly and efficiently.
Melvil Dewey devised the Dewey Decimal System while working at the Amherst College library at the age of 21. He published the system in the 1870s, and it’s now used by thousands of libraries in hundreds of countries to organize nonfiction resources.
If you are unfamiliar with the how the Dewey Decimal System, here’s a crash course:
Books are assigned into 10 classes, which are divided into divisions, which are each divided into 10 sections. The assigned number denotes the class, division, and section and organizes the thousands of books libraries house. As complicated as it may seem to those outside of the library profession, the system is fairly user-friendly and has made books and other resources much easier to find. Can you imagine trying to find what you need if everything was just thrown on the shelf without any rhyme or reason?
The 10 main classes within the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system are:
000–099 General Works and Computer Science
100–199 Philosophy and Psychology
200–299 Religion
300–399 Social Sciences
400–499 Language
500–599 Natural Sciences and Mathematics
600–699 Technology
700–799 The Arts and Recreation
800–899 Literature and Rhetoric
900–999 History, Biography, and Geography
Most libraries have these posted somewhere along with labeled sections for each class, which makes it easier for patrons to locate the resources they need once they’ve obtained the DDC number using WYLDcat, Wyoming’s online library cataloging system. Patrons can also browse the shelves for useful books in the section related to their topic of study or interest.
Whether you are an expert on library science, or a patron seeking reliable resources at your local Wyoming library, you have the Dewey Decimal System to thank for keeping our libraries organized and easier to use.
The library professionals at each of our Wyoming libraries are glad to help you find the books, resources, and services you need. To locate your nearest Wyoming library, use the Wyoming State Library’s online Wyoming Libraries Directory.