Happy Library Shelfie Day!

Jan 24, 2024

Library Shelfie Day is celebrated each fourth Wednesday in January.  The purpose of this fun holiday is to promote books, reading, and libraries.

You can participate in this annual celebration in one of two ways:

  1. Take and post a photo of yourself in front of your favorite shelf of books at your library.
  2. Take and post a photo of your favorite shelf of books at your library.

Here are examples of “shelfies”, or library selfies, taken by two of our WSL employees:

Susan Mark, Outreach Librarian, in front of a section of the Wyoming State Library’s U.S. Congressional Serial Set

Christi Weinzierl, Communications and Grants Specialist, in the library science collection at the WSL


There’s still time to grab your phone or camera, snap a photo, and post it to your favorite social media outlet to join the WSL in promoting the love of books, reading, and libraries today!

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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