Happy National Book Lovers Day

Aug 9, 2024

Happy National Book Lovers Day from the Wyoming State Library!

Books come in many different forms, both physical and digital; what’s your favorite way to read? Whether you prefer reading hardcovers, paperbacks, or ebooks in your favorite chair or outdoors in the park or by the pool or you prefer to listen to audiobooks while you drive, exercise, or relax, books play an important role in each of our quests for both learning and entertainment.

Celebrate National Book Lovers Day by visiting your local Wyoming library and checking out an old favorite or a new volume that may become your new favorite. Or, if digital reading or listening is more your style, visit the WSL’s GoWYLD portal and check out that audiobook or ebook you keep hearing about but haven’t gotten a chance to read yet.

No matter how you choose to consume information, enjoy literature, and expand your world, make reading a part of your day–today and every day!

Not sure where your nearest library is located or have another question for your local Wyoming library? Check out the WSL’s Wyoming Library Directory and find contact information for each library in the state.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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