Happy National Video Game Day

Sep 12, 2024

September 12 was National Video Game Day! Whether you enjoy playing the retro games or the latest releases, your local Wyoming library is a great place to find video games for various consoles and platforms, in addition to books, movies, and other media. In fact, many gamers find that trying out new games from the library is a great way to decide whether a game is one they’d like to purchase before spending their hard-earned money on their own copy. Many libraries host special events for children, teens, and adults who enjoy gaming along with their other programming.

Celebrate National Video Game Day by playing an old favorite or find a new favorite at your nearest Wyoming library. Find information about all of our Wyoming libraries on the Wyoming State Library’s library directory. Happy gaming!

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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