Happy World Book and Copyright Day

Apr 24, 2024

Happy World Book and Copyright Day from the Wyoming State Library!

World Book and Copyright Day marks the anniversary of the deaths of authors William Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, the feast day of Saint Jordi, patron saint of Catalonia, Spain, and an international holiday that encourages and promotes reading and publishing, as well as the protection of intellectual property through copyright. It has been celebrated on various days through history since the 1920s. Read more here.

Will you celebrate by gifting a book to yourself, a friend or family member, or even write one yourself? Or, will you visit your local Wyoming library either in person or virtually to find your next great read? However you decide to celebrate, be sure to make reading a part of your day, today, and every day!

Visit GoWYLD to find books and resources on any topic.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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