Holocaust Remembrance Day with the National Archives

Jan 27, 2021

Auschwitz I (Main Camp) – Oswiecim, Poland, 8/25/1944. From the series: Aerial Photography of Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1894 – 2002. National Archives Identifier 305899

From the U.S. National Archives

International Holocaust Remembrance Day is a memorial day designated by the United Nations to mark the anniversary of the January 27, 1945, liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration and death camp.

The National Archives is the international epicenter of Holocaust-related research. NARA holds millions of records created or received by the U.S. Government during and after World War II that document Nazi war crimes, wartime refugee issues, and activities and investigations of U.S. Government agencies involved in the identification and recovery of looted assets (including gold, art, and cultural property)—as well as captured German records used as evidence at the Nuremberg International Military Tribunals. They not only hold these records, they provide access to them.

Start your research on History Hub

For those looking to conduct research on the Holocaust and other World War II-related topics, browse recent posts and questions on this topic in History Hub, the support community for researchers, genealogists, history enthusiasts, and citizen archivists. Ask questions, share information, work together, and find help based on experience and interests. Researchers can ask—or answer—questions on History Hub, or search to see if a question has been asked before.

Citizen Archivist transcription mission: World War II looted art

In another piece of World War II history, the Third Reich’s Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, or ERR, was the main agency involved in the systematic looting of cultural treasures in Nazi-occupied countries. Consider volunteering as a Citizen Archivist for the National Archives World War II Looted Art transcription mission. Help transcribe property control cards that include information indicating to which country Nazi-looted cultural objects were restituted. In addition, the cards may include information such as artwork classification, measurements, identifying marks, history and ownership, condition and repair, arrival, destination and exit information, and the disposition of each item.

New to the Citizen Archivist program? Learn how to register and get started.

Learn more

Read more from the U.S. National Archives about World War II resources, History Hub, and Citizen Archivist missions. Educators might be interested in teaching resources using online primary sources.

You can also learn more in the History Resources in GoWYLD.net. Log in with a library card from any Wyoming public or community college library. For assistance, contact your local library.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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