How to Report 2020 Censorship Incidents

Dec 14, 2020

Logo in red reading "Report Censorship. Defend the Public's Freedoms." Image includes graphic of computer keyboard with read "Report" button.The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom is seeking information on any ban or request to remove library or school materials, displays, and programs that happened in 2020.

OIF urges library workers and educators to report all censorship incidents, even if they don’t need assistance or support to address the challenge. Those with information about bans and challenges that happened anytime this year are encouraged to submit OIF’s online reporting form by December 31, 2020. All personal and institutional information submitted is kept confidential.

The information gathered from these reports helps OIF identify censorship trends, support library workers and compile the Top 10 Most Challenged Books list, published in April during National Library Week. OIF collects information on attempts to remove books, DVDs, online resources and displays. The office also documents attempts to cancel programs and disinvite speakers.

Recently, the office has noticed a rise in attempts to censor books that address racism and police brutality. LGBTQIA+ books and programs also continue to be targeted with censorship.

Anyone can contact OIF throughout the year when they face a challenge, ban, or access or privacy issue. Staff provide various forms of support, including writing a letter, coaching on media relations and public statements, reviewing policies and researching laws and regulations.

Wyoming libraries are also encouraged to contact the Wyoming Library Association’s Intellectual Freedom Advisor, Janice Grover-Roosa, at or (307) 382-1701

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