Howard Bryant to Speak at Book & Author Luncheon

Mar 28, 2012


UW Libraries is delighted to announce ESPN sports writer Howard Bryant as the guest speaker at the April 26, 2012 Book & Author Luncheon fundraiser. In addition to authoring several sports books, Bryant is a senior writer for and “ESPN the Magazine.” Prior to joining ESPN, Bryant spent two years at “The Washington Post.” He appears regularly on ESPN’s the Sports Reporters, ESPN First Take, and Outside the Lines, and serves as sports correspondent for NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday. Copies of Bryant’s recentbook, “The Last Hero: A Life of Henry Aaron” will be available for purchase at the luncheon. Two raffle drawings, one featuring 4 tickets to a Colorado Rockies Game, and another featuring 4 tickets to UW vs. CSU Basketball and Football games will be drawn at the event. Admission is $50 and raffle tickets are $20 each. To reserve a seat or to purchase a raffle ticket, call UW Libraries at 307-766-3279. Kindly reserve by April 17.

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