Increase Your Physique for Fat Bear Week!

Oct 4, 2022

large grizzly bear standing in rushing stream

After losing to Otis last year, will bear 747 (some call him Bear Force One) regain the title of fattest bear in 2022? Photo from

Fat Bear Week starts tomorrow! Voting will take place in this bracket tournament from October 5-11 to crown the fattest bear at Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska. The bracket is posted and you can vote for your favorite bear.

In honor of Fat Bear Week, we are highlighting the many cookbooks in Libby, a resource from the Wyoming State Library.

Use the Libby app or visit the desktop version at New to Libby and the virtual library? Find help here and download the app to use it on mobile devices.

Once in Libby, enter cookbooks in the search box to find such titles as Salmon Sisters, Hunt, Gather, Cook, Real Irish Food (“…whole salmon are brought “leppin fresh” from the dockside to the table, troubled by little more than steam and mayonnaise”), and The Wilderness Cookbook.

To narrow to more specific cookbooks add keywords to your search, such as cookbooks salmon, cookbooks slow cooker, cookbooks cake. You can also search for a specific title, like Salmon Sisters in the catalog.

This resource is available for free using your Wyoming library card and PIN, and you can access from anywhere! For more information about the databases, training, or marketing materials, contact Chris Van Burgh, Wyoming State Library Database Instruction Librarian,

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at

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