Today, August 6, is International Beer Day, and you can explore the business of side of the popular beverage with Take a look at the microbrewery industry in Entrepreneurship (Gale Business) A search for microbrewery will result in a variety of resources and information for those exploring the business of opening a microbrewery, including business plans and directories. In a list of brew pub and microbrewery associations I saw one of the best email addresses:!
Also included are Recommended Resources, with items such as, “Sizing up Competitors” from Small Business Marketing Kit for Dummies, “The Entrepreneurial Process” from The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship and magazine titles that include: Modern Brewery Age, Beverage World, Restaurant Business, and The Economist.
Search this database to learn how to start, finance or manage your small business. Resources include sample business plans, how-to guides, articles, and websites. This and many other amazing resources can be found in Find them in your local library or access them remotely with your Wyoming library card and PIN. For more information, contact your library or Chris Van Burgh, Database Instruction Librarian at the Wyoming State Library,