International Games Day @ your library is an annual celebration of games, play, libraries, and learning that any library in the world can join. Gaming of all types at the library encourages young patrons to interact with a diverse group of peers, share their expertise with others (including adults), and develop new strategies for gaming and learning.
To participate in IGD@yl, plan some sort of game-related activity in or around your library, on or around the official date, of November 21, 2015: videogames on a library console, tabletop games, social games, party games, traditional folk games — whatever you think will work for your individual library and community.
Learn more, register, and find instructions and promotional materials at
International Games Day @ your library is a non-commercial, volunteer-run library initiative of the American Library Association in partnership with the Australian Library and Information Association and Nordic Game Day, and sponsored by a number of game publishers and distributors.