Introduction to ArchivesSpace workshop

Apr 9, 2018

The Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) is sponsoring an introductory workshop on ArchivesSpace on Friday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Cottonwood Room at the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave. in Cheyenne.

ArchivesSpace is a widely-used open source web application for managing archives information. The application integrated Archivists’ Toolkit and Archon. This  workshop will provide information on how ArchivesSpace may be used as a collection management tool and for online finding aid development.

View the workshop agenda.

The instructor will be Miloche Kottman, Head of Cataloging and Archival Processing from the University of Kansas. Upon completing this workshop, attendees will have been introduced to using ArchivesSpace to:

  • Create Accession records
  • Create Resource records
  • Create Digital Object records
  • Create and manage Agent and Subject records, and link them to Accession, Resource, and Digital Object records
  • Record and manage physical locations within a repository
  • Produce description output files in standardized data structures such as EAD and MARCXML
  • Import legacy data

Participants are encouraged to bring a computer so they can do the hands-on exercises, but it is not required. Lunch is on your own.

The workshop is free, but the number of attendees is limited. To register, contact Cindy Brown at the Wyoming State Archives at or 307-777-7036.

This workshop is sponsored by the Wyoming State Historical Records Advisory Board with funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

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