January/February News in Brief

Feb 5, 2025

Here is a roundup of news and articles regarding libraries and library professionals.

Best Practices for Engaging Seniors at the Library-Public libraries can be a proponent of healthy aging and have a positive impact on the physical, mental, and social health of the seniors in their communities.

Seed Swaps-Interested in hosting a seed library or seed swap at your library? This guide will help you organize your swap while educating people about the basics of seed saving and the structure of your seed library.. Seed exchanges or swaps are a great way to bring the community together. It’s a time to connect with other gardeners, share stories, and find a new plant to fall in love with or share an old one with new friends.

It’s Official: Research Has Found That Libraries Make Everything Better-Science has backed up what many of us have long been saying: the library rocks. A study from the New York Public Library surveyed 1,974 users on how the library makes them feel and how it affects their lives, and the results are overwhelmingly positive.

Exploring Black History Month Programming in Public Libraries-Celebrate Black History Month by revisiting this insightful conversation with Dr. Deborah Robinson and Dr. Grace Jackson-Brown. (Originally released December 18, 2023). In this podcast episode, the hosts explore the Black History Month Programming in Public Libraries study, a three-year research project funded by the University of Michigan. Guests discuss the scope, content, and impact of Black History Month offerings in public libraries across the U.S. Tune in to learn more about how libraries engage communities in honoring Black history and culture.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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