Join the Dear Banned Author Letter-Writing Campaign

Sep 14, 2018

From the American Library Association

Speaking out for banned and challenged books is vital in the fight against censorship. This Banned Books Week (September 23-29), the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) is hosting a letter-writing campaign that celebrates stories that have made an impact.

Dear Banned Author encourages readers to write to banned or challenged authors, sharing how their stories made a difference. Libraries are invited to host letter-writing programs during Banned Books Week. The Dear Banned Author webpage includes promotional tools:

  • Printable postcards
  • A list of banned and challenged author addresses and Twitter handles
  • Tips on hosting a letter-writing program
  • Shareable images

Readers are also encouraged to share their letters on social media using the hashtag #DearBannedAuthor and #BannedBooksWeek.

Dear Banned Author not only raises awareness of books that are threatened with censorship, but also generates discussions about the essential access to a variety of library materials. Authors have also shared fan letters as support when there’s a public challenge to their books.

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