Junior Master Gardeners Grow Great Kids at Cody Library

Mar 29, 2016


Junior Master Gardeners (from left) Hayden and Sage Bosshardt, Master Gardener Kathy Clarkson, Reese and Sean Lowe are ready to “Learn, Grow, Eat and Go” at a free library program.

Park County Library is encouraging youngsters in grades 3-5 to “Learn, Grow, Eat & Go” through a Junior Master Gardeners program that begins April 8.

Volunteer instructor Kathy Clarkson is a Master Gardener and manager of the Cody Farmers Market. She and another volunteer, Edie Phillips, will teach up to 15 kids.

Through hands-on activities, participants will learn what plants need to thrive. They will plant container gardens, which can be brought inside in case of killing frosts. A field trip is planned to the farmers market.

Healthy recipes and preparation will be practiced in the Biblio Bistro at the library. Class will end with physical activity such as “gas gobblers,” a game involves chasing bubbles to demonstrate the way trees consume carbon dioxide.

GardenersJunior Master Gardeners is a national program that engages children in novel, “hands-on” group and individual learning experiences that provide a love of gardening, develop an appreciation for the environment, and cultivate the mind. JMG also inspires youths to be of service to others through service learning and leadership development projects, and rewards them with certification and recognition. For details, visit jmgkids.us.

Keep up with the Park County Library happenings on Facebook at www.facebook.com/JMGCodySession1.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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