K-12 Resources for Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day and Wyoming Day

Dec 6, 2023

Black and white image of explosion with text "Pearl Harbor"The Wyoming PBS Education Collection has resources specific to Wyoming for grades K-12 to teach your students about Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day and Wyoming Day!

December 7: Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

  • Grades K-5 lessons: Students will learn about World War II and its impact on Wyoming. Students will discuss what life in Wyoming was like during World War II.
  • Grades 6-12 lessons: students will learn about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the US response and the impact the attack had on Wyoming. Pearl Harbor Day

December 10: Wyoming Day

  • Grades K-5 lessons: Students will learn about Wyoming’s territorial history in celebration of Wyoming Day. Wyoming Day
  • Grades 6-12 lessons: Students will learn about Wyoming’s Constitution in celebration of Wyoming Day. Students will learn the history of the Wyoming territory and women’s suffrage before Wyoming won statehood.

Visit the Wyoming PBS Education Collection on PBS LearningMedia for more class-room ready lessons. Contact Carol Garber, Wyoming PBS Education Coordinator, for more information on resources or to schedule a free hands-on PBS LearningMedia presentation contact carol@wyomingpbs.org.

If you have a question about this or any other article, please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov

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