Lander Library Program was the Bee’s Knees

Mar 7, 2016

beekeeping banner

The beekeeper and her queen.

The beekeeper and her queen.

Fremont County Library – Lander hosted a “Beekeeping for Kids” workshop on March 2 in collaboration with the local University of Wyoming Extension chapter. Kids (2-12 years old) learned hands-on about parts of a beehive, how to identify different types of bees, and discussed the significance of bees in the ecosystem. They created a skit demonstrating “Life in a Hive” and tasted honey from different types of flowers.

Learning about the parts of the hive.

Learning about the parts of the hive.

The program was free and open to the public, and library staff report it was enjoyed by all! Lander Library looks forward to future collaborations with the UW Ag Extension program.

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