LCCC Ludden Library Dedicates Strickland Family Study Room

Aug 4, 2022

Interior of room with child-size furniture and toys

The Strickland Family Study Room offers a space where children can be with their parents in the library.

Plaque reads STRICKLAND FAMILY STUDY ROOM with text and photo

The dedication plaque. Click for larger image to read full text.

On July 29, the Laramie County Community College Ludden Library dedicated the Strickland Family Study Room. The room is a place where LCCC students, employees, members of the public, and their children can gather to study in family groups.

The study room was made possible through the generosity of Paula and Dale Strickland. Paula was an elementary educator for 33 years in the Laramie and Cheyenne school districts. Dale was a scientist and educator devoted to learning his entire career.

A dedication plaque noted “The Strickland Family values education and sees learning together as a family as a top priority for a new beginning on life, no matter what the age.” It concluded, “They both feel strongly that when families learn together, they grow together.”

Puppet stage with letters reading Thank You Strickland Family!

Photo from the dedication reception.


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