On June 20, the Rocky Mountain Regional U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and its partners across the Rocky Mountain region are hosting an interactive virtual conference at satellite sites with experts from the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC), in Alexandria, VA. TAC personnel will provide an overview of of the trademark registration process and answer questions.
June’s presentation will concentrate on reasons for performing a trademark search and available tools for searching. This event is intended for individuals with a beginning to intermediate level of trademark knowledge. To get the most out of this event, we recommend participants view informational videos regarding trademark registration or the Trademarks Basics Webinar (9 a.m. MDT, June 15) before the session and prepare questions to ask the trademark experts.
The program will be hosted on Tuesday, June 20, at 11:30 a.m. MDT at locations across the Rocky Mountain region including the Wyoming State Library, 2800 Central Ave., Cheyenne, Wyoming. This event is free and open to the public. Please bring your own lunch to enjoy during the session. Space is limited, so learn more and pre-register.
For more information about attending at the Wyoming State Library, contact Karen Kitchens at karen.kitchens@wyo.gov or (307) 777-7281.