Libraries of the Future Online Mini-Conference Oct. 6

Sep 9, 2016

sjsu_ischool_library_2016_thelibraryofthefuture_160x600The third of three Library 2.016 online mini-conferences, “Libraries of the Future,” will be held Thursday, Oct. 6 from 1-4 p.m. Mountain Time. This is a free online event.

As libraries shape their futures – and adapt to the future needs of their communities – what are the near- and long-term trends that point to our brightest opportunities. What can we learn from library innovators and innovators from other sectors and industries that will help us shape the future we want and that our communities aspire towards?

Explore  some of the key trends that point toward specific futures for libraries, and engage in conversations with civic, social, and education innovators to learn more about what they think about the future, and how libraries can become an integral part of their future visions.

Register here to attend live or to receive the recording links.Participants are encouraged to use #library2016 on their social media posts leading up to and during the event.

Learn more at This event is sponsored with ALA’s Center for the Future of Libraries.

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