September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, an annual event that reminds parents that as their children go back to school, the most important school supply they can have is a library card. Last year, Wyoming public libraries issued 2,775 new library cards during September.
A library card opens up worlds for adults as well as children. With a library card from any Wyoming public library, you can:
- check out materials from any Wyoming public or community college library — not just your home library;
- place holds, request books from other libraries, and renew your materials from your home computer;
- download electronic books, audiobooks, and magazines to your computer, tablet, or phone;
- learn a new language online;
- study for a career test or improve your job-hunting skills;
- learn how to repair your car;
- find articles, scholarly research, and much more.
Is your library doing anything special for Library Card Sign-up Month? Let us know! Send your news and photos to Susan Mark, Wyoming State Library publications specialist at